Sunday, September 30, 2012

Voter registration fraud investigation in Florida

This transcript is automatically generated

It's -- new concerns in the battleground state of Florida where election officials say they have received some rather questionable registration forms.

Submitted on behalf of the State's Republican Party.

Senior correspondent Eric Shawn is live in -- New York City newsroom with the very latest hi Erica -- you know voter registration fraud was a huge scandal in the 2008 presidential race.

That helped lead to the demise of acorn.

Now fraud -- suspected of forms from a consulting firm working for the Republican Party.

Ten counties in Florida reporting possible problems so far.

My company strategic -- consulting.

Has been fired by the Republican National Committee and several state parties after just over 100 signatures showed up in Palm Beach County Florida.

That are allegedly fraudulent.

The company blames the actions of one employee it -- out of more than 2000.

Releasing a statement that said in part quote.

We were able to identify that the cards in question were all the work of one individual.

We are very proud of our work product unfortunately not everyone takes the issue of fraud seriously.

With some of commits voter fraud it is an affront to every one living in this country.

-- elections officials like Seminole County elections supervisor Mike cartel who runs elections in the Orlando area.

We taught us voter registration fraud hurts -- democratic process.

Any time somebody that's not in the elections business comes in and does things that causes voters to -- whether or not their votes can account.

It actually affects voter turnout in a negative fashion it causes voters to think that the whole system is not working -- the systems work.

If people outside the system coming into it and trying to to profit from it.

And it's happened before those fake names on countless voter registration forms from acorn.

-- the result of that dozens of convictions of acorn workers.

And there are -- those suspected fake signatures competitions that put President Obama and Hillary Clinton on the 2000 -- primary ballot in Indiana.

That's your voters told Fox News they never signed the petitions.

4 democratic and election officials have been indicted and they face trial in that case in January.

As for the Florida forms the man who allegedly turned -- told the sun sentinel newspaper that he did nothing wrong.

He says some of the wrong information may have been from people playing a joke.

And he says even register drunk people in bars.

And of course if you suspect voter fraud we live we want to know about it voter fraud.

Is our address voter fraud at

Throwback to well you know when they so rough they're allowed to vote I'd Expos even not.

Scott thanks very much -- action --


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Self Improvement | Coping with Change: Develop Your Personal ...

By Steve Singleton -

Why do we resist change?

As the saying goes, the only people who like change are busy cashiers and wet babies. We find change disorienting, creating within us an anxiety similar to culture shock, the unease visitors to an alien land feel because of the absence of the familiar cues they took for granted back home. With an established routine, we don?t have to think! And thinking is hard work.

Change is a business fact of life

Is your company is currently undergoing major changes that will affect the lives of all of its employees? These changes are probably in response to the evolving needs of your customers. They are made possible because of improvements in telecommunications and digital technology. They are likely guided by accepted principles and practices of total quality management. And you can expect that they will result in significant improvements profitability?a success that all employees will share. Because our customers? needs are NOW, we must make changes swiftly, which means that all of us must cooperate with the changes, rather than resist them.

How do we resist change?

We tend to respond to change the same way we respond to anything we perceive as a threat: by flight or fight. Our first reaction is flight?we try to avoid change if we can. We do what futurist Faith Popcorn calls ?cocooning?: we seal ourselves off from those around us and try to ignore what is happening. This can happen in the workplace just by being passive. We don?t volunteer for teams or committees; we don?t make suggestions, ask questions, or offer constructive criticism. But the changes ahead are inescapable. Those who ?cocoon? themselves will be left behind.

Even worse is to fight, to actively resist change. Resistance tactics might include negativity, destructive criticism, and even sabotage. If this seldom happens at your company, you are fortunate.

Take a different approach to change

Rejecting both alternatives of flight or flight, we seek a better option?one that neither avoids change nor resists it, but harnesses and guides it.

Change can be the means to your goals, not a barrier to them.

Both fight and flight are reactions to perceiving change as a threat. But if we can change our perceptions, we can avoid those reactions. An old proverb goes, ?Every change brings an opportunity.? In other words, we must learn to see change as a means of achieving our goals, not a barrier preventing us from reaching them.

Another way of expressing the same thought is: A change in my external circumstances provides me with an opportunity to grow as a human being. The greater the change is, the greater and faster I can grow. If we can perceive change along these lines, we will find it exciting and energizing, rather than depressing and debilitating.

Yet this restructuring of our perspective on change can take some time. In fact, coping with change follows the same steps as the grieving process.1 The steps are shock and denial that the old routine must be left behind, then anger that change is inevitable, then despair and a longing for the old ways, eventually replaced by acceptance of the new and a brighter view of the future. Everyone works through this process; for some, the transition is lightning fast, for others painfully slow.

Realize your capacity to adapt.

As one writer put it recently:

Our foreparents lived through sea changes, upheavals so cataclysmic, so devastating we may never appreciate the fortitude and resilience required to survive them. The next time you feel resistant, think about them and about what they faced?and about what they fashioned from a fraction of the options we have. They blended old and new worlds, creating family, language, cuisine and new life-affirming rhythms, and they encouraged their children to keep on stepping toward an unknown but malleable future.2

Human beings are created remarkably flexible, capable of adapting to a wide variety of environments and situations. Realizing this can help you to embrace and guide change rather than resisting or avoiding it.

Develop a coping strategy based on who you are.

Corporate employees typically follow one of four decision-making styles: analytical, directive, conceptual, and behavioral. These four styles, described in a book by Alan J. Rowe and Richard O. Mason,3 have the following characteristics:
Analytical Style

    - technical, logical, careful, methodical, needs much data, likes order, enjoys problem-solving, enjoys structure, enjoys scientific study, and enjoys working alone.

Conceptual Style ? creative and artistic, future oriented, likes to brainstorm, wants independence, uses judgment, optimistic, uses ideas vs. data, looks at the big picture, rebellious and opinionated, and committed to principles or a vision.

Behavioral Style ? supportive of others, empathetic, wants affiliation, nurtures others, communicates easily, uses instinct, avoids stress, avoids conflict, relies on feelings instead of data, and enjoys team/group efforts.

Directive Style- aggressive, acts rapidly, takes charge, persuasive and/or is manipulative, uses rules, needs power/status, impatient, productive, single-minded, and enjoys individual achievements.

Read once more through these descriptions and identify which style best describes you. Then find and study the strategy people who share your style follow to cope with change:

Analytical coping strategy

    - You see change as a challenging puzzle to be solved. You need plenty of time to gather information, analyze data, and draw conclusions. You will resist change if you are not given enough time to think it through.

Conceptual coping strategy ? You are interested in how change fits into the big picture. You want to be involved in defining what needs to change and why. You will resist change if you feel excluded from participating in the change process.

Behavioral coping strategy ? You want to know how everyone feels about the changes ahead. You work best when you know that the whole group is supportive of each other and that everyone champions the change process. If the change adversely affects someone in the group, you will perceive change as a crisis.

Directive coping strategy- You want specifics on how the change will affect you and what your own role will be during the change process. If you know the rules of the change process and the desired outcome, you will act rapidly and aggressively to achieve change goals. You resist change if the rules or anticipated results are not clearly defined.

Realizing what our normal decision-making style is, can enable us to develop personal change-coping tactics.

How can we cope with change?

1. Get the big picture. ? Sometimes, not only do we miss the forest because of the trees, but we don?t even see the tree because we?re focused on the wood. Attaining a larger perspective can help all of us to cope with change, not just the conceptualists. The changes underway at my company are clearly following at least four important trends, which I believe are probably reflective of businesses in general:


    • Away from localized work toward network-based work,


  • Away from a feast-or-famine working environment toward a routinely busy working environment,



  • Away from site-limited approaches toward approaches that are consistent company-wide, and



  • Away from vertical, top-down management toward a more horizontal management structure, with shared accountability.



Getting at least this much comprehension of the big picture will help us to understand where each of us fits.

2. Do some anchoring. ? When everything around you is in a state of flux, it sure helps to find something stable that isn?t going to change, no matter what. Your company?s values (whether articulated or not) can provide that kind of stability for you. Ours include the Company Family, Focus on the Customer, Be Committed to Quality, and Maintain Mutual Respect. These values are rock-solid; they are not going to disappear or rearrange themselves into something else. Plus, each of us has personal values that perhaps are even more significant and permanent. Such immovables can serve as anchors to help us ride out the storm.

3. Keep your expectations realistic. ? A big part of taking control of the change you experience is to set your expectations. You can still maintain an optimistic outlook, but aim for what is realistically attainable. That way, the negatives that come along won?t be so overwhelming, and the positives will be an adrenaline rush. Here are some examples:


    • There will be some bumps along the road. We shouldn?t expect all of the changes ahead to be painless, demanding only minimal sacrifice, cost, or effort. In fact, we should expect some dead ends, some breakdowns in communications, and some misunderstandings, despite our best efforts to avoid them. We may not be able to anticipate all of the problems ahead, but we can map out in general terms how we will deal with them.


  • Not everyone will change at the same rate. The learning rates of any employees will distribute themselves along a bell curve. A few will adapt rapidly, most will take more time, and a few will adjust gradually. Also, many younger employees may find change, especially technological innovations, easier than those older. The reason may be, as one observer explains, ?Older people?s hard disks are fuller.?4 On the other hand, you may find some younger ones surprisingly reluctant to take on a new challenge.



  • The results of change may come more slowly than we would want. As participants in an ?instant society,? conditioned by the media to expect complex problems to reach resolution in a 60-minute time frame, we may find the positive results of change slow to arrive from the distant horizon. If we are aware of this, we won?t be so disappointed if tomorrow?s results seem so similar to today?s.


4. Develop your own, personal change tactics.Get plenty of exercise, plenty of rest, and watch your diet. Even if you take all the right steps and follow the best advice, undergoing change creates stress in your life, and stress takes energy. Aware of this, you can compensate by taking special care of your body.

Invest time and energy in training. Sharpen your skills so that you can meet the challenges ahead with confidence. If the training you need is not available through Bowne, get it somewhere else, such as the community college or adult education program in your area.

Get help when you need it. If you are confused or overwhelmed with the changes swirling around you, ask for help. Your supervisor, manager, or coworkers may be able to assist you in adjusting to the changes taking place. Your human resources department and any company-provided counseling services are other resources available to you.

Make sure the change does not compromise either your company values or your personal ones. If you are not careful, the technological advances jostling each other for your attention and adoption will tend to isolate you from personal contact with your coworkers and customers. E-mail, teleconference, voice-mail, and Intranet can make us more in touch with each other, or they can keep us antiseptically detached, removed from an awareness that the digital signals we are sending reach and influence another flesh-and-blood human being.

Aware of this tendency, we must actively counteract the drift in this direction by taking an interest in people and opening up ourselves to them in return. We have to remember to invest in people?all of those around us?not just in technology.

The ?new normalcy?

Ultimately, we may discover that the current state of flux is permanent. After the events of September 11, Vice President Richard Cheney said we should accept the many resultant changes in daily life as permanent rather than temporary. ?Think of them,? he recommended, ?as the ?new normalcy.??

You should take the same approach to the changes happening at your workplace. These are not temporary adjustments until things get ?back to normal.? They are probably the ?new normalcy? of your life as a company. The sooner you can accept that these changes are permanent, the better you can cope with them all?and enjoy their positive results.


1. Nancy J. Barger and Linda K. Kirby, The Challenge of Change in Organizations: Helping Employees Thrive in the New Frontier (Palo Alto, CA: Davies-Black Publ., 1995). This source is summarized in Mary M. Witherspoon, ?Coping with Change,? Women in Business 52, 3 (May/June 2000): 22-25.

2. Susan Taylor, ?Embracing Change,? Essence (Feb. 2002): 5.

3. Alan J. Rowe and Richard O. Mason, Managing with Style: A Guide to Understanding, Assessing and Improving Decision-Making (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Management Series, 1987) cited in Witherspoon, ?Coping with Change.?

4. Emily Friedman, ?Creature Comforts,? Health Forum Journal 42, 3 (May/June 1999): 8-11. Futurist John Naisbitt has addressed this tendency in his book, High tech/high touch: Technology and our search for meaning (New York: Random House, 1999). Naisbitt co-wrote this book with his daughter Nana Naisbitt and Douglas Philips.

* * *
Copyright ?2006 Steve Singleton
Steve Singleton has written and edited several books and numerous articles. He has been an editor, reporter, and public relations consultant. He has taught college-level Greek, Bible, and religious studies courses and has taught seminars in 11 states and the Caribbean.

Go to his for Bible study resources, no matter what your level of expertise. Explore ?The Shallows,? plumb ?The Depths,? or use the well-organized ?Study Links? for original sources in English translation. Check out the DeeperStudy Bookstore for great e-books, free books, and great discounts. Subscribe to his free ?DeeperStudy Newsletter? or ?DeeperStudy Blog.?

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Reference Books for India Post Office Postal/Sorting Assistant Exam ...

Candidates who are preparing for the Sorting Assistant Exam can refer to books such as Department of Posts: Postal Assistants/ Sorting Assistants Recruitment Exam by Arihant and Upkar?s Postal/Sorting Assistants Recruitment Test to understand the exam pattern and to clear the exam. Apart from these, there are specific books for each subject such as General Knowledge, Mathematics.

Exam Pattern

Questions will be asked from the topics such as General Knowledge, Mathematics, Reasoning Analytical Ability and English Language. There will be a total of 100 questions. Each question carries one mark. Each section carries questions of 25 marks.

Reference Books for General Knowledge

  • The Pearson General Knowledge Manual
  • General Knowledge Manual by UPSC Editorial Board
  • General Knowledge Current Affairs and Whos Who by Khanna
  • General Knowledge Manual by Barry O?brien
  • General Knowledge Digest by T M H
  • Encyclopedia of General Knowledge and General Awareness by R P Verma
  • General Knowledge by Dr. Tanwar

Reference Books for Mathematics

  • ?A? Level Mathematics Series: Complex Numbers by Stanley C.M. Leung
  • A Course in Pure Mathematics by Margaret M. Gow
  • Advanced Course in Coordinate Geometry by C.S. Lee
  • Advanced Level Pure Mathematics by K.S. Ng &Y.K. Kwok
  • Breakthrough Pure Mathematics Algebra by Y.L Ng & K.M. Pang
  • Calculus for Matriculation Examination by K.K. Siu
  • Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics by K.T. Leung & P.H. Cheung
  • Mathematical Analysis ? Straightforward Approach by K.G. Binmore
  • Techniques of Mathematical Analysis by C.J. Tranter

Reference books for Reasoning & Analytical Ability

  • Analytical Reasoning by M K Pandey
  • Logical Reasoning & Analytical Ability by Dr. M.B.Lal & Ashok Gupta
  • A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning by R. S. Aggarwal
  • Logical Reasoning Bible: A Comprehensive System for Attacking the Logical Reasoning Section of The LSAT by David M. Killoran
  • Pearson Guide to Logical Reasoning & Data Interpretation for the CAT by Nishit K Sinha
  • Logical Reasoning: Test Preparation Study Guide, Questions & Answers by National Learning Corporation
  • How to Prepare For Data Interpretation And Logical Reasoning by Arun Sharma
  • Logical Reasoning Book by Arun Sharma
  • All about Reasoning - Anjani A Gupta

Reference books for English Language

  • Objective English For Competitive Examinations by Hari Mohan Prasad Uma Rani Sinha
  • Lucent?s General English
  • Objective General English BY RS Agarwal
  • Objective English competitive examinations BY Hari Prasad
  • Pearson Test of English General

Apart from these books, candidates can refer to other study materials such as

  • Department of Posts: Postal Assistants/ Sorting Assistants Recruitment Exam by Arihant
  • Popular Master Guide Department of Posts: Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant by R.Gupta
  • Upkar?s Postal/Sorting Assistants Recruitment Test
  • Kiran?s Department of Posts Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant Practice Book

Candidates are advised to practice mock tests so as to score good marks. In addition to these books, they can download sample question papers from various websites as well.


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Bacon Shortages, Free Speech, and the Making of a President

President Ronald Reagan, commemorating the 750th anniversary of Berlin, addresses on June 1987 the people of West Berlin near the Berlin wall. President Reagan famously exhorted Mikhail Gorbachev to "Tear down this wall," in a Berlin speech. Does it matter if a president is a great orator?

Photo by Mike Sargent/AFP/Getty Images.

?How To Measure for a President: Suppose the presidential campaign was settled by a job interview. Here?s what we should look for,? by John Dickerson. As we enter the home stretch of the presidential campaign, John Dickerson explores what qualities a candidate needs to be a good president. He argues that candidates must know how to play politics, and he also talks about what it takes to manage a White House staff.

??Pop Art: The brilliant redesign of the soda can tab,? by Tom Vanderbilt. It?s been 35 years since Jimmy Buffett ?blew out [his] flip flop/ and stepped on a pop top.? Now Tom Vanderbilt explores the simple engineering marvel that replaced the old, dangerous metal scraps. But oddly enough, attaching the tab to the can still hasn?t kept kids from swallowing it.

?The World Doesn?t Love the First Amendment: The vile anti-Muslim video shows that the U.S. overvalues free speech,? by Eric Posner. In this provocative piece, University of Chicago law professor Eric Posner puts American regard for freedom of expression in an international context?and suggests we might be the ones in the wrong.

?Why You Hate Cyclists: Partly because of jerks like me. But it?s mostly your own illogical mind,? by Jim Saksa. What explains the never-ending war between drivers and bikers? Not maniac cyclists?science: ?When it comes to cyclists, once some clown on two wheels almost kills himself with your car, you furiously decide that bicyclists are assholes,? Saksa writes, ?and that conclusion will be hard to shake regardless of countervailing facts, stats, or arguments.?

?Human Rights, the Death Penalty, and Affirmative Action: What will the Supreme Court decide in this term?s first big cases?? by Emily Bazelon. On the docket this fall: Does a 1789 anti-piracy statute allow cases against foreign corporations in American courts for human rights abuses on foreign soil? Can we execute defendants who are found mentally incompetent to help their lawyers with appeals? And will the Court strike down affirmative action? Emily Bazelon offers a preview.

?How Can We Stop Pedophiles? Stop treating them like monsters,? by Jennifer Blyer. Pedophiles might struggle with sexual attraction to children for years before they abuse, but mandatory reporting requirements discourage them from seeking help. Jennifer Blyer recommends treating pedophilia as an unchangeable neurological condition and teaching mental health professionals how to offer treatment?before it?s too late.

?Who Was the Most Religious President of All Time? They called him ?The Deacon,?? by Forrest Wickman. This week, The New Yorker?s r Nicholas Lemann wrote that Mitt Romney ?would arguably be the most actively religious President in American history.? But which president holds the title right now? Forrest Wickman suggests it?s Jimmy Carter, who went door-to-door introducing himself as a peanut farmer/missionary.

?House of Pain: Obama may be president. Democrats may keep the Senate. But the House isn?t going anywhere,? by David Weigel. Nancy Pelosi tries to convince reporters that Democrats can take back the House, but David Weigel?s not buying it?especially not after the 2011 redistricting. ?That would mean that the people who drew the districts didn't do very good jobs,? a pollster tells Weigel.

?There Will Be No Bacon Shortage: How a British trade association press release sent the Internet into a senseless panic,? by Matthew Yglesias. We won?t run out of bacon, but we might have to pay a bit more for it. Matthew Yglesias traces the bacon shortage rumor back to its source.

?NFL 2012: The scab refs and the NFL slide deeper into incompetence,? by Drew Magary. The referee lockout is finally over. Relive the madness with Week 3 of Slate?s season-long NFL roundtable with Deadspin, where Drew Magary, Chris Kluwe, Barry Petchesky, and Stefan Fatsis analyze the botched call heard around the world.


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The Dos and Don'ts of Dating from 'The Mindy Project'

"Maybe I won't get married. Maybe I'll do one of those Eat, Pray, Love things. Ugh, no I don't want to pray, forget it."

Meet Dr. Mindy Lahiri, you guys! She's a sorta-disastrous-but-means-well OB/GYN who wants to have it all...and by 'all' we mean all the trappings of a romantic comedy. She grew up in a series of nights involving her best girlfriends Nora (Ephron) and Nancy (Meyers). She's totally boss at her job and even has a bit of a soft-spot for her patients (even if she is pretty selfish about it at first) when Dr. Danny Castellano (Chris Messina) isn't stealing them from her.

But Mindy is, of course, a total disaster when it comes to men. She has unrealistic expectations of love--and when she can't have the "you had me at hello" moment of her dreams, she settles for scumbags (granted, her scumbag has a British accent and is wildly good-looking) to soothe her soul. Because dating is hard, and the idea of "having it all" and attaining it, is harder. Smart people can be really dumb, sometimes. Basically.

So Mindy's on the quest to find love and it's a real Bridget Jones-type situation--she gets set up on a blind date with Dennis (Ed Helms) thanks to her friend Gwen (Anna Camp) only to fake her way through the date with all the trappings of a "this is what will make a guy like you!" how-to book (the saddest book in the world. Also probably a best-seller. Sigh). But the date comes crashing down around her when she volleys back and forth between "old Mindy" habits and the "new Mindy" she's trying to be. Operation: How to Lose A Guy in Ten Seconds. Mission: Not so impossible, it turns out!

But Mindy's had a rough go of it, you see: the romcom man-of-her-dreams, Tom (Bill Hader) is an oral surgeon...and currently marrying the Serbian Bagel Girl after fixing her teeth and kicking Mindy to the curb. Because she was too old! (Dudes, amirite?!) So Mindy does what any self-respecting modern, independent lady would do: she gets drunk at his wedding and gives a cringeworthy speech: only to run off and cycle her way into a fancy person's pool. I has to be fancy, right? They were in Connecticut and if your pool can make a Barbie doll talk then it has to have something fancy in it, right?

After getting bailed out of jail by the governor's daughter and best friend/cardboard cutout (here's hoping Gwen becomes a bit more of an actual human character) Gwen Gandy, Mindy decides it is time to take matters into her own hands So we've decided, fair readers, to show you the dating do's and don'ts of this episode (and all future episodes) that Dr. Mindy Lahiri swears by to find herself the Tom Hanks character of her dreams. Follow at your own risk!

1.) Do Make a Painfully Awkward Speech At Your Ex-Boyfriend's Wedding: It'll be cathartic!

2.) Do Take Life Advice from Talking Dolls: I mean, Barbie has kept her boyfriend Ken around for 43 years.

3.) Don't Be Yourself: Especially on blind dates with cute, successful, stable men who seem to like you.

4.) Do Sleep with The Hugh-Grant-In-Real-Life Guy: He has a British accent and is wildly attractive, so, you know, YOLO or whatever.

5.) Do Continue to Hook Up with The Hugh-Grant-In-Real-Life-Guy Even Though He's Totally a Dick: He won't want to sleep with you when you're old! You'll be making better life decisions by then, anyway.

6.) Do Ask to See the Special Victims Unit When in Jail: It will make all your future boyfriends totally jealous. Plus everybody loves a good Law & Order reference!

7.) Don't Go On an Eat, Pray, Love Thing: Praying is boring, better to die alone. (Plus Julia Roberts had way more fun in her other movies. Even if it meant way less sex with James Franco.)

8.) Do Eat Clear Soup: It has celery, water and stones in it! Healthy and delicious!

9.) Do Not Lower Your Standards: Everyone deserves a guy with the wealth of Mayor Bloomberg, the personality of Jon Stewart and the face (and penis!) or Michael Fassbender. Dream big! (And in ole Fassy's case: dream real big!)

10.) Don't Recognize How Totally Awesome Danny Castellano Is: Because we need the slow burn here, Mindy!

What did you think of the premiere of The Mindy Project? Will Dr. Lahiri ever find her inner Sandy Bullock? Sound off in the comments!

[Photo Credit: FOX]

Follow Alicia on Twitter @alicialutes


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Hundreds of Libyans handover their weapons

Libyan security forces stand guard as people turn in weapons in Benghazi, Libya, Saturday, Sept. 29, 2012. Hundreds of Libyans have converged on a main square in Benghazi in response to a call from the military to hand over their weapons, some driving in with armored personnel carriers, vehicles with mounted anti-aircraft guns and hundreds of rocket launchers. The call by the Libyan chiefs of staff was promoted on a private TV station earlier this month. But the call may have gained traction in the wake of the attack against the U.S. consulate in Benghazi in which the American ambassador and three staffers were killed. The attack was followed by a popular uproar against armed militias which have increasingly challenged government authorities. (AP Photo/Ibrahim Alaguri)

Libyan security forces stand guard as people turn in weapons in Benghazi, Libya, Saturday, Sept. 29, 2012. Hundreds of Libyans have converged on a main square in Benghazi in response to a call from the military to hand over their weapons, some driving in with armored personnel carriers, vehicles with mounted anti-aircraft guns and hundreds of rocket launchers. The call by the Libyan chiefs of staff was promoted on a private TV station earlier this month. But the call may have gained traction in the wake of the attack against the U.S. consulate in Benghazi in which the American ambassador and three staffers were killed. The attack was followed by a popular uproar against armed militias which have increasingly challenged government authorities. (AP Photo/Ibrahim Alaguri)

Libyan civilians turn in weapons to security forces in Benghazi, Libya, Saturday, Sept. 29, 2012. Hundreds of Libyans have converged on a main square in Benghazi in response to a call from the military to hand over their weapons, some driving in with armored personnel carriers, vehicles with mounted anti-aircraft guns and hundreds of rocket launchers. The call by the Libyan chiefs of staff was promoted on a private TV station earlier this month. But the call may have gained traction in the wake of the attack against the U.S. consulate in Benghazi in which the American ambassador and three staffers were killed. The attack was followed by a popular uproar against armed militias which have increasingly challenged government authorities. (AP Photo/Ibrahim Alaguri)

(AP) ? Hundreds of Libyans converged Saturday on a main square in Benghazi and another in Tripoli in response to a call from the military to hand over their weapons, some driving in with armored personnel carriers, tanks, vehicles with mounted anti-aircraft guns and hundreds of rocket launchers.

The call by the Libyan chiefs of staff was promoted on a private TV station in August. But it may have gained traction in the wake of the attack against the U.S. consulate in Benghazi in which the American ambassador and three staffers were killed. The incident was followed by a popular uproar against armed militias which have increasingly challenged government authorities.

In response, the government has called on all militias to disband or join a command center coordinating between the army and the militias. The government had relied on many militias for security during the turmoil following last year's ouster and killing of longtime leader Moammar Gadhafi.

Army Col. Omran al-Warfali said the turnout has been impressive.

"Hundreds of citizens came since the early hours of this morning to handover their weapons from all segments of society, men and youth, women, and even children came to hand over bullets they found it in the streets," he said.

Previously, the government had estimated that over 200,000 people in Libya are armed. It has attempted a number of disarmament schemes, including offering people jobs in exchange for handing over their weapons, or offering to buy guns. Those offers have shown few results.

A military official has been urging citizens in ads on a popular TV station to hand in their weapons. The station, Libya alHurra or Free Libya, showed live footage of Saturday's collection and transfer of weapons to military barracks.

Ahmed Salem, an organizer of the efforts in Benghazi, said over 800 citizens handed in weapons at the main collection point. Over 600 different types of arms were collected, including anti-aircraft guns, land mines, rocket launchers and artillery rockets.

Moussa Omr, a former fighter who lives on the outskirts of Benghazi and who fought against Gadhafi, said it was time to turn over his weapon to the state.

"When I saw the announcement on television I came to Benghazi with my wife and son to hand over my weapon to the national army because I want to move from the stage of the revolution to state building," he said. "I trust the national army. They have been with us on the frontline and I know them one by one. I don't need this weapon after today, the militias have been expelled from Benghazi and the national army will protect us."

Anger at the militias boiled over after the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. consulate.

Most of Libya's militias emerged during the eight-month war against Gadhafi, but others sprang up after the end of fighting last October. With the country trying to rebuild after the 42-year dictatorship, the groups paid little attention to successive interim leaders. They were accused of bullying citizens, operating independent prisons and holding summary trials for Gadhafi loyalists. Recently, Islamist-led militias have also attacked shrines, such as tombs associated with religious figures they consider counter to their strict interpretation of Islam.

Last weekend, thousands of protesters marched against the militias in Benghazi, the cradle of the uprising against Gadhafi, and stormed two of their compounds.

In Tripoli, at least 200 former fighters handed over their weapons, including two tanks, at the Martyrs' square in the city center. A cleric urged young fighters to give up their weapons. "The nation is built with knowledge not guns," he said standing in the square.


Associated Press Writer Esam Mohamed contributed to this report from Tripoli, Libya.

Associated Press


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Vatican opens public butler leaks trial

VATICAN CITY (AP) ? The Vatican opened the public trial of the pope's butler for allegedly stealing and leaking papal correspondence to a journalist, the most embarrassing scandal of Pope Benedict XVI's papacy.

Paolo Gabriele, a 46-year-old father of three, faces up to four years in prison if he is convicted of aggravated theft in the worst security breach in the Vatican's recent history. He has already confessed and asked to be pardoned by the pope ? something Vatican watchers say is a given if he is convicted.

His trial opened Saturday inside the austere, wood-trimmed courtroom of the Vatican tribunal, housed in a four-story palazzo inside the walls of Vatican City.


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Neil Young's Pono music service wants to democratize high-quality ...

Neil Young's Pono music service wants to democratize highquality audio video

Neil Young isn't shy when it comes to embracing new technology, something he put beyond question with his latest appearance on The Late show with David Letterman. The artist took the opportunity to reveal plans for his high-fidelity Pono music service. The aim is to tackle the poor quality in which he believes most people receive their music these days -- the humble MP3. Young's offering would comprise a three-pronged approach, including a music store with high-resolution recordings, a digital-to-analog style conversion technology, and portable hardware to listen to it all with. The simple intention is to offer music as it was originally intended to be heard, but at this time there's no detail as to what this actually entails (sorry specification fans).

According to Rolling Stone, the big three labels are interested, and the goal is to unify, rather than diversify, the quality of recorded content. The Pono players (that yellow wedge you see above) will serve up your existing catalog, but you'll likely need to re-buy some of your collection if you want the holistic experience. With no cards fully on the table, we're at the ransom of Young's celebrity endorsements, which all claim that the benefits are tangible. Young, of course, says "You can't get better than this, this is what they do in the studio," but until we get some details, or ears on, everybody knows this is nowhere.

[Image credit:CBS]


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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Gov't appeals to hacktivists to stop attacks - Home ? Other Sections ...

MANILA, Philippines - The Department of Science and Technology's Information and Communications Technology Office (ICTO) on Friday appealed to hacktivists to stop attacking government websites as it admitted that there is a need to upgrade the state's internet security system.

?We understand the concerns of the public and our netizens on several controversial provisions of RA (Republic Act) 10175 (Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012). However there are proper avenues for expressing their indignation rather than committing cybercrime to protest a bill that aims to prevent cybercrime,? ICTO Executive Director Louis Casambre said in a statement.?

A group of hacktivists called Anonymous Philippines has been attacking government websites in protest against the new cybercrime law.

The latest victim of the group was the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines' website. The website was also defaced by the hacktivists' message against the new cybercrime law, but it was immediately restored.

Casambre said that the latest attacks expose the existing vulnerabilities of government websites and underscores the need for a "national cybersecurity plan."

As the ICTO has yet to come up with the plan, it renewed its directive to government system administrators to review their existing internet security measures.

"In the meantime, we would like to request our government systems administrators to review their own policies and utilize industry best practices when it comes to cybersecurity,? Casambre said.

IRR to balance new law

ICTO has been designated as head of the Cybercrime Investigation and Coordinating Center, the main body in charge of inter-agency coordination, monitoring, policy formulation and enforcement of the Cybercrime Prevention Act as well as the development of a national cybersecurity plan.

Along with the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), the ICTO is also tasked with the formulation of the bill?s implementing rules and regulations (IRR).

Casambre said that they will address at least some of the controversial measures in the development of the IRR. He said they are planning to hold multi-sectoral consultations with various stakeholders to ensure that a balance is struck between protecting individual rights, freedom of expression, and national security in the rules.

Casambre insisted that the country needs a new cybercrime law.

He said that before the passage of the cybercrime bill into law, the ICTO had limited legal tools to address cybercrimes such as identity theft, computer fraud, and hacking. He added what is also need is a balanced legal regime which addresses both the potentials and perils of the Internet, and the rights of all stakeholders.

"In addressing cybersecurity challenges, our legislators have finally passed a law after a difficult process spanning several Congresses. For us in the executive, we now need to ensure that the IRR will help balance perceived shortcomings while having an implementation framework that is both legally grounded and technically sound. In achieving this balance, we also do respect the rights of netizens and other stakeholders to seek clarifications with the courts on some of the bill?s more controversial provisions,? Casambre said.


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Cops: Teen mom left 3-week-old baby along road

By NBC News staff and wires services

A 19-year-old mother has been charged with dumping her 3-week-old daughter along a rural road for 12 hours and lying to police about the baby's whereabouts, prompting an Amber Alert.

Bond was set at $100,000 Friday for Kendra Meaker of Toulon, who was charged in Stark County Court with obstruction of justice and endangering the life or health of a child.

Meaker told a judge during a Friday court appearance that she had no job and no income, and said nothing else.

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During the hearing, Sheriff Jimmie Dison told the court Kendra that showed up at his department Thursday morning to report that someone had snatched her 3-week-old baby, Mia Graci Thompson, out of the back seat of her car after she went inside the post office in Toulon, about 30 miles northwest of Peoria, to mail a package.

Illinois State Police issued an Amber Alert on Thursday morning.

Meaker, who also has an 11-month-old daughter, eventually changed her story and told Illinois State Police and FBI investigators she left the baby on a roadside, Sheriff Jimmie Dison said. The baby was on the gravel roadside from 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday as scores of police and volunteers searched for her.

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The two volunteer searchers who found the crying child and brought her to emergency workers.

Two volunteer searchers, Russell and Mary Jo Van Dran, said they heard a baby crying as they sat inside their truck and found the child in a culvert just off a gravel road outside Toulon.

"My wife was out of the truck like a shot, cut down there and we had a heck of a time getting the baby out of the grass. She had her fingers interwoven in the grass," Russell Van Dran told NBC station WEEK of Peoria, Ill. "We were just at the right place at the right time. God had a hand in this thing too."

Meaker's aunt, Sandy Hollingsworth of Marseilles, is acting as spokeswoman for Meaker's family.

"This has been a hellish 24 hours that our family has endured," Hollingsworth said.

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The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services said the baby was being cared for at a hospital. Meaker's 11-month-old daughter was with relatives.

A telephone listing for Meaker was disconnected. Meaker is next due in court Oct. 12.

Under Illinois' Safe Haven law, parents are allowed to relinquish custody of an unharmed newborn up to 30 days old to personnel at a hospital, emergency medical care facility, police or fire station.

Parents can give up their child anonymously and without the threat of prosecution for abandonment.

This article includes reporting by The Associated Press and

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Hoffenheim player Boris Vukcevic still critical

Associated Press Sports

updated 7:13 a.m. ET Sept. 29, 2012

HOFFENHEIM, Germany (AP) -Hoffenheim midfielder Boris Vukcevic remains in critical condition following Friday's traffic accident in which his car collided head on with a truck.

Hoffenheim spokesman Holger Tromp says that "it's not possible to give an outlook at this time."

Vukcevic is in an induced coma in a Heidelberg hospital after receiving life-threatening head injuries. The collision occurred on Friday afternoon between Hoffenheim and Heidelberg in southwestern Germany.

Vukcevic was airlifted to the hospital where the coma was induced after an operation. The truck driver received treatment for minor injuries.

Hoffenheim's Bundesliga game against Augsburg was to go ahead Saturday.

Hoffenheim general manager Andreas Mueller says the players "want to fight for him, because we know that's what he would have wanted."

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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The Best Advice On Mobile Marketing Like A Pro | Eric Chua : Life ...

Mass advertising is easy now that mobile marketing is on the scene. To learn how to market your business on mobile devices, which will reach more people than ever, read the tips and advice presented here.

Don?t squander your customers? limited attention. In your excitement and rush to use mobile marketing, remember to do things that have a purpose. Provide information that can help your customers and potential new customers. Build customer loyalty by providing your customers with what they want.

Examine what techniques your competitors are using via mobile marketing. Follow them on Facebook and Twitter. Find a way to differentiate yourself from you competitors.

TIP! Get yourself short codes that are dedicated as opposed to sharing them. They?re not cheap at about $2,000 but they can link to your brand.

You should have clear objectives before you launch a mobile marketing effort. It is important to know what your objectives are for your business and the ways to achieve those goals. Are you looking to monetize your existing customers more or are you attempting to get long term customer retention?

A/B testing can be a useful strategy in developing a mobile landing page. This will help you test which strategies work and which ones don?t, which is as crucial to mobile site development as it is to creating standard web pages. Create two different landing pages (A&B) to see which is more effective for conversions. Then when you find what works, add that to your end game strategies.

MMS, otherwise known as Multimedia Messaging Service, is an excellent tool that you can employ to deliver coupons in order to reward your customer base, or attract new customers. You can include certain promotional codes with the coupons that you send out. Codes that can be tracked can easily be linked to your online product pages. Coupons are useful in both gaining new customers and rewarding your loyal customers.

TIP! Adding maps to your website, that are mobile friendly, can help bring in new customers. Your maps can let them find your location quickly on their phone.

Almost everyone is familiar with the idea of offering free apps, but not everyone understands just how easy it can be to develop one that meets the needs of your business. You could offer apps specific to your business to better promote your company via mobile marketing. There are a lot of services that assist in designing apps, and a lot of features these apps could offer to your customers.

Be concise and user-friendly. Your customers should access the information they need in a few clicks. Remember that the keypad in mobile devices are very small and typing is not easy. Therefore, you want to keep the campaign to the absolute must.

Mobile Marketing

TIP! When you design your campaign, make a plan to get your mobile marketing message across to different platforms. Do not exclude anyone from your campaign by neglecting a platform.

In the content area of your mobile marketing campaign, it?s important to keep the message short so it can be easily understood. Make all of your mobile marketing memorable and to the point.

Labor for your clients. Knowing the goals and desire of your buyers is the fundamental principle of mobile marketing. Without knowing your customers? interests, you can?t effectively provide products they?ll buy. Try and get as much information out of your customers, so you understand them and that will lead to success.

Your mission statement will help you design the best campaign possible. Having the mission statement around will help you stay ethical.

TIP! When doing this kind of marketing, you can?t go wrong by investing some money to ensure your website is well-optimized for mobile use. The constraints of mobile browsers make creating a nice-looking mobile site more difficult than creating a good traditional site.

Start by building a proper database. Do not slap customers? cell numbers onto your subscriber list just because you have access to them. You really need to get their permission before starting. Ask your existing online customers to join your mobile database, and give them a coupon for referring friends.

Use several marketing pieces at the same time to provide detailed information about an event for maximum effect. For instance, you can use direct mail to let them know about the upcoming event and any discounts that you plan to offer. Email your customers a little while before the event, then send then an SMS on the day of the event.

Don?t start a new mobile marketing campaign until you have had a chance to judge the success of your first one. To calculate the success you are getting, you should check your campaign longevity and not the sales numbers. Design new campaigns by using strategies that have been successful in the past.

TIP! Make sure that you add mobile friendly directions and maps to your website. A lot of people use mobile websites to help them to get to different locations.

Going viral is one of the best ways for your ads to be effective. They could recommend it to friends and family, which will increase your customer base.

Qr Codes

For a great way to bring in customers and help your brand become more well-known, use QR codes in your campaigns. They can be used to share many things including both information about your product and discounts. They are easy to capture via a cellphone and easy to use. Incorporating QR codes into your mobile marketing campaign is a great way to get your customers the information they want without pestering them with messages.

TIP! An important key in your mobile marketing plan is conducting a test to see how usable it is to end consumers. It is very important that consumers see your content in the way you have intended.

Your advertising techniques always have room for improvement. You need to consider what your competition is doing as well. This article has provided some ideas to help you stay a step ahead with your mobile advertising campaigns

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Anti-Islam filmmaker held at Los Angeles federal jail

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The California man behind an anti-Islam film that stoked violent protests across the Muslim world was being held at a federal high-rise jail in downtown Los Angeles on Friday over possible probation violations, a prison official said.

Federal officials, citing safety concerns, were tight-lipped about the conditions of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula's confinement, including whether he was being held with the general population or was isolated from other inmates.

"He is at Metropolitan Detention Center," said Chris Burke, a spokesman for the federal Bureau of Prisons, adding that the facility holds 969 inmates.

Nakoula has been described as the producer of a crudely made 13-minute video filmed in California and circulated online under several titles including "Innocence of Muslims." It portrays the Prophet Mohammad as a fool and a sexual deviant.

The clip sparked a torrent of anti-American unrest in Egypt, Libya and many other Muslim countries over the past two weeks. The violence coincided with an attack on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi that killed four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador to Libya.

Nakoula, who has kept out of the public eye for much of the past two weeks amid outrage over the film, was arrested and ordered jailed on Thursday over accusations he violated the terms of his 2011 release from prison on a bank fraud conviction.

Nakoula's attorney, Steve Seiden, citing threats against the makers of the film, had argued unsuccessfully in court that holding Nakoula at Metropolitan Detention Center would be dangerous "due to the large Muslim population there."

But Magistrate Judge Suzanne Segal ruled that the Coptic Christian man, originally from Egypt, was a flight risk and had "engaged in a lengthy pattern of deception."

His attorneys declined to comment through a spokesman on Friday about Nakoula's detention, other than to say they remained concerned about his safety.

In Pakistan, railways minister Ghulam Ahmad Bilour offered $100,000 last week to anyone who killed the maker of the video, although the country's prime minister's office later distanced itself from that statement.


Attorney Robert Dugdale said on Thursday that the warden at the facility was aware of the situation. "He could be protected in custody," Dugdale said.

Authorities have stressed they were not investigating the making of the film itself, and prosecutors said Nakoula was in custody facing eight probation violation accusations.

They did not list the violations but said he had used aliases and could face up to 24 months behind bars if he is found at a later hearing to have violated terms of his release.

Under those terms, Nakoula is barred from accessing the Internet or using aliases without permission from a probation officer, court records show.

Experts familiar with the jail nestled close to a major freeway called the facility's secure area, where they said Nakoula, 55, was likely to be held, an isolated place where he would be cut off from the world, except for the ability to make phone calls and perhaps listen to the radio.

Jail rules at Metropolitan posted online allow inmates to have 10 books and magazines in their cells, in addition to legal, religious and school books, and require inmates to clean the floors of their cell daily.

"He's going to be confined in a special unit where he'd be in a solitary cell, locked up alone and in maddening isolation," said attorney Mark Werksman, who is not representing Nakoula but has represented other inmates held at the same jail.

A spokeswoman for the Marshals Service, which is responsible for Nakoula, said the agency's policy is to not discuss inmate security measures.

Larry Jay Levine, a former federal convict once held at Metropolitan and founder and director of Wall Street Prison Consultants, said Nakoula was likely held in an area called the special housing unit and that he would be kept safe there.

"It's basically a 'ground hog day' kind of existence, because he's not getting out of his cell," Levine said.

Metropolitan, which holds both male and female inmates, opened in the 1980s and is mainly used to house inmates whose cases are being heard at the nearby federal courthouse, as well those serving short sentences.

(Reporting By Alex Dobuzinskis; Editing by Cynthia Johnston and Todd Eastham)


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Friday, September 28, 2012

Facebook Gifts: Great for friends, bad for privacy?

Facebook?s 945 million users can now send actual gifts (not just virtual hugs and hearts) to their friends. But will this new feature lead people to over-share on Facebook?

By Pamela Cyran / September 28, 2012

A preview of Facebook Gifts.



Everyone loves when ?happy birthday? messages show up on their walls, but Facebook?s team realized what users would love even more: real, tangible gifts.

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Facebook is all about sharing, whether it?s through comments, posts, links, videos, photos, or even game requests. Now users have something new to share, Facebook Gifts, which allows users to send and receive real presents with just a few clicks.

According to?Facebook?s announcement?Thursday afternoon, users can first choose a gift and attach a digital card to send to their friend through Facebook. The gift can post on their friend?s timeline or in a private message. The friend will then get to virtually unwrap the gift (and even make changes of equal value) before accepting it. The sender can choose to pay Facebook immediately, or wait until the friend accepts the gift and enters in the shipping information. The physical present arrives later in the mail.

Facebook partnered with various vendors and will continue to gradually add more. Pictures on the Facebook announcement show that the company already partnered with Starbucks and several bakeries. Other?pictures?show Angry Birds and Star Wars plushies as possible gifts.

?Facebook didn?t say in its release how the revenue from goods gets split between it and its partners, but its built-in audience of 945 million users is already a draw for many companies,? reports the Washington Post.

The Post also says that in order for Facebook Gifts to work, users will need to trust Facebook more than ever by willingly entering in addresses, phone numbers, and credit card numbers.

Considering Facebook?s prior history with privacy concerns, this may cause an issue.

In a report from Computer World, some security experts are concerned about the security and privacy implications of this new Facebook program.?Bogdan Botezatu, a senior cyber-threat analyst at antivirus vendor Bitdefender, said the amount of private information publicly shared on Facebook ?already exceeds all security precautions.?

Facebook users constantly update their statuses with information revealing where they are (now shown on a map with the feature, ?check in?), who they?re with, what they?re eating or wearing, and generally every detail about their daily adventures. Facebook critics say this is a big opening for stalkers.

"The new information that might be shared by users is particularly dangerous in the case of account compromise," says Botezatu in the Computer World article.

Home addresses combined with other information commonly shared could make it very easy for burglars to select potential victims and plan raids, he says.

Adam Levin, chairman and founder of Identity Theft 911, says users would be more open to sharing their birthdays, reported the Computer World article.

?Anytime you provide information to complete the mosaic of your life, you're putting yourself in harm's way,? says Levin in the article.?


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Zoologger: Spiny mice save their skin by shedding it

Zoologger is our weekly column highlighting extraordinary animals ? and occasionally other organisms ? from around the world

Species: Acomys percivali and Acomys kempi
Habitat: Frustrating predators throughout east Africa

Of all the lame-duck superheroes the comics industry has created over the years, few compare to Arm Fall Off Boy. As the name suggests, his superpower ? if you can call it that ? was having a detachable arm, with which he hit villains. He was from the 30th century, so his limb club presumably didn't fare too well against ray guns.

Back in the real world, detachable body parts are quite common and rather useful. If a predator is trying to eat you, it can be quite a good idea to sacrifice a small piece of yourself if it means you survive the attack.

Casually lopping off an appendage can seem oddly comical, but two species of spiny mouse have an altogether more gruesome approach ? allowing predators to rip off chunks of their skin.

Spines, spines, spines

Spiny mice are some of the most aptly named animals around. They are rodents, related to mice and rats, and their backs are covered with spiny hairs rather like those of hedgehogs, albeit not as rigid. Although a hedgehog's spines are defensive, those of spiny mice are probably too soft to hurt a predator. They might turn out to be sensory organs, a little like whiskers.

Ecologists in Kenya would sometimes catch a live spiny mouse in a trap and try to pick it up, but to no avail. "Often it would take off and they'd be left with a piece of skin in their hands," says Ashley Seifert of the University of Florida in Gainesville. Sceptical but intrigued, Seifert travelled to Kenya to see for himself.

When he handled live Percival's spiny mice and Kemp's spiny mice, Seifert found that it was unexpectedly easy to tear off pieces of their skin ? up to 60 per cent of the skin from their backs. "I was more surprised than anything else," he says.

In lab tests on anaesthetised animals, Seifert discovered that the skin of the spiny mice is weaker than that of house mice. House mouse skin is elastic, but spiny mouse skin is brittle.

We can't be sure why the spiny mice are so prone to losing their skin like this, but it is probably to defend against predatorsMovie Camera. Seifert says they are hunted by snakes and birds of prey, and losing some skin is obviously better than being eaten. Many animals lose limbs for this purpose, a process called autotomy, and a few lizards exhibit skin autotomy much like the spiny mice ? but the mice are the only mammals we know of that do this.

Fast regeneration

Like many animals that display autotomy, spiny mice can regenerate their lost tissues rapidly, just as salamanders can regrow tails. Spiny mice regrow the skin on their backs, including the normal hairs and the spines, and without scarring.

Seifert also found that if he punched holes in their ears, they could regenerate the missing skin. "There are very few mammals that are capable of doing that," he says.

When a salamander needs to regrow a limb, it forms a clump of cells called a blastema that develops into the new tissue. Scientists have struggled for years to induce a blastema in human tissue, which would be the first step in regrowing lost or damaged limbs.

The injured spiny mice formed masses of cells that looked and behaved much like a blastema. That suggests mammals do have the ability to form blastemas, and that the underlying mechanism has been preserved throughout the course of evolution. "There should be a basic blueprint that's conserved," Seifert says, even if some of the details vary from species to species. He is now studying the regeneration process in more detail to find out exactly how it works.

They may be a little icky and disturbing, but spiny mice could turn out to be our new best friends.

Journal reference: Nature, DOI: 10.1038/nature11499

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

China hits back at Japan PM's statement on islands

BEIJING (AP) ? China on Thursday assailed Japan's prime minister as obstinate and wrong for saying his nation won't compromise in their island dispute, as Japanese lawmakers and business leaders visited Beijing with hopes of mending ties.

Relations between Japan and China are at their lowest in years because of their spat over the island group in the East China Sea known as Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China. Japan says it bought the islands this month to thwart Japanese nationalists' more radical plans to develop them. But China saw the move as wrecking a prior arrangement with Tokyo, and it and many Chinese have responded with outrage.

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda said in New York on Wednesday that the islands are clearly an "inherent part of our territory, in light of history and international law." He said that issues over the islands should be resolved peacefully and by the rule of law.

In response, Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang said Thursday that "China is strongly disappointed and sternly opposes the Japanese leader's obstinacy regarding his wrong position." His statement repeated China's stance that Japan was ignoring historical facts and international laws.

"The country seriously challenges the postwar international order, but tries to take the rules of international law as a cover. This is self-deceiving," Qin said in a separate statement.

Senior diplomats from the two countries have met this week in New York and Beijing in an attempt to patch things over. But China still scrapped long-planned festivities scheduled this weekend to mark 40 years of diplomatic relations between the countries.

Instead, Jia Qinglin, a senior Communist Party official, met with members of the China-Japan Friendship Association on Thursday. He struck a friendly note by welcoming the Japanese elder statesmen as "old friends of the Chinese people" who had worked hard to promote exchanges and cooperation in economic, political and cultural areas.

But in remarks released by the Foreign Ministry, Jia reiterated China's position on the island dispute, and said Japan's actions had "pushed China-Japan relations to an unprecedented grim phase."

Yohei Kono, a former Japanese foreign minister, referred to the strife when he told his Chinese hosts he had come to Beijing "this time with a heavy heart."

The islands, held by Japan, are tiny and uninhabited but sit astride rich fishing waters and potentially large reserves of natural gas. They are also claimed by Taiwan.

Japan's purchase of some of the islands from their private Japanese owners two weeks ago sparked sometimes-violent protests in China that targeted Japanese-owned stores and factories.

Noda defended the purchase as an attempt to ensure their "stable management," but conceded, "It seems that China has yet to understand that."


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La Vida Latina: Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month With The New ...

To celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month, which started on Sept. 15 and ends on Oct. 15, we?ve gathered together some of our favorite articles and resources in The Times that celebrate the contributions and cultures of Hispanic-Americans.

In curating our selection, we tried to emphasize both the famous alongside the not-so-famous. We were excited when we discovered inspiring neighborhood stories as much as coverage of nationally recognized leaders. So, below you will find both Justice Sonia Sotomayor?s seminal lecture ?A Latina Judge?s Voice? and a video about what it means to be Garifuna in the United States.

Our intention is to help show, in ways large and small, how Hispanic-Americans have helped shape the United States and make it into the diverse and dynamic nation it is today.

We invite you to share any additional resources you recommend in your comments below.

Ways to Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month With Your Students

1. Learn about famous Hispanic or Latino Americans. Research notable figures, past and present, and write short biographies or create visual presentations about their accomplishments, like a Glog. For inspiration, here is a short list of some important people covered in Times reporting:

Or for fun, students can challenge themselves with our Hispanic Heritage Crossword.

2. Explore cuisine or, better yet, prepare a meal. Check out one or more of the following New York Times sources to discover how Hispanic-Americans are helping to redefine what meals look like in the United States. You may even be inspired to plan and serve food together as a class.

3. Examine the diversity of Hispanic identity. What does it mean to be Hispanic? When it comes to identity, how do culture, ethnicity and race intersect? How are Hispanics portrayed and perceived in mass media? You might also reflect on your own heritage or examine why ethnic and racial categories, like Hispanic, are rejected by some. Below is a video about Garifunas, who are part African, part Caribbean and part Central American.

4. Travel to Latin America or your local Latino neighborhood. Research and create a travel itinerary that focuses on Hispanic heritage sites in your local community or elsewhere. Use New York Times Travel sources, Latin America Through a Lens and Miami: Hispanic Heritage Tour as your inspiration.

5. See Hispanic-American art. Watch the slide show from the Museo del Barrio?s ?Testimonios: 100 Years of Popular Expression? exhibit or ?Quiet Riot | The Art of Wilfredo Prieto.? Or read Rescuing the Stories Behind Latino Art, an article about a Houston museum?s creation of a digital archive to preserve the stories behind Latin American and Latino art. Or, get involved in the debate about whether there should be a National Latino Museum on the National Mall.

6. Read literature by Hispanic-American writers. As a class, in book groups or independently, students can read works by Latino authors, like Isabel Allende, Sandra Cisneros and Oscar Hijuelos. In response to the literature, students can write their own book reviews, modeled after Times reviews, like this recent review of Junot Diaz?s latest short story collection, ?This Is How You Lose Her.?

7. Listen to Latin music. Play music from South America, Central America and the Caribbean, and have students listen closely to the sounds they hear. Ask students, what emotions does the music evoke? How would they describe the rhythm, instruments and vocals? Then, follow with a discussion about how Latin music is influencing music all across the United States. Some related Times resources that can help enrich the discussion are:

8. View and discuss photography about the experience of Hispanic-Americans. Learn how one artist uses his work to explore Puerto Rican cultural identity. Or, view ?Life on Both Sides of the Border,? a series of photographs about life for Mexicans on both sides of the Mexico-U.S. border, by Joseph Rodriguez.

9. Study how Latinos are reshaping the political landscape. Read any combination of the following New York Times resources and write expository essays on the shifting electorate and role of Latino voters.

10. Or, follow your own interests. Have students learn more about the role of Hispanic-Americans using any of the resources above, Times Topics on Hispanic Americans or from additional subject areas below:






Common Core ELA Standards, 6-12:

1. Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.
7. Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse formats and media, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words.
9. Analyze how two or more texts address similar themes or topics in order to build knowledge or to compare the approaches the authors take.

2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization and analysis of content.
4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization and style are appropriate to task, purpose and audience.
7. Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects based on focused questions, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.

Speaking and Listening
2. Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively and orally.
3. Evaluate a speaker?s point of view, reasoning and use of evidence and rhetoric.
4. Present information, findings and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development and style are appropriate to task, purpose and audience.
5. Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations.

McREL Standards

28. Understands how participation in civic and political life can help citizens attain individual and public goals.
United States History
31. Understands economic, social and cultural developments in the contemporary United States.


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