Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Search: open education / digital learning [as of 30 Oct 2012] ? Public ...

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Open education has at least three components:? free access to learning resources; digital access to formerly analog learning resoources (e.g. instructors in classrooms); and learning accomplishment validation (becoming common) or credentialing (rare at this time).? More broadly defined, open education is ?root? for any society desiring to be both democratic and prosperous.? Open education has not made the transition to Open Source Everything, but needs to do so ? open education along with open books (businesses with public charters), open data, open government, open repositories and open science, all need the other opens in order to be agile, inter-operable, and scalable in an affordable and sustainable manner.? The stakeholders within the legacy education domain are largely afraid, ignorant, and in opposition to change.? They must be embraced, informed, and led.? ?Open? is a meme, a mind-set, and a method.? It is a seed crystal for a local to global holistic approach to education, intelligence, and research ? three domains that must be integrated ? and the foundation for open civil society, open commerce, open government, open law enforcement, open media, open military, and open non-government/non-profit.

NOTE:? This search response does not include Open Access, Open Knowledge and all the other opens that enable and are themselves empowered by Open Education.

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2012 Integrity, Reflexivity, & Open Everything

2012 PREPRINT: The Craft of Intelligence

2011 Open Source Agency: Executive Access Point

2010 M4IS2 Presentacion por Sur America (ANEPE Chile) ? 2010 M4IS2 Briefing for South America

20 Sep 2012 Franklin & Marshall College: Internet Technology and the Transformation of the Human

AMERICA: Y UR PEEPS B SO DUM? Ignorance and courage in the age of Lady Gaga

Chuck Spinney: When Lies for a Cause Destroy Science

Connecting the Dots: ALL of Them

David Isenberg: Open Access to Scientific Information

Amazon Page

David Jimenez: Visual Understanding Environment ? Open Source, Tufts, Digital Education and Research

DefDog: Law Schools Not Teaching How to Lawyer

DefDog: Nurturing Innovation in Spite of Really Rotten Rote Education + RECAP

Denmark: One Hundred Mobile App Teach Kids Math

Dutch Royal Academy Demands Open Data Plans

Education, Intelligence, & Research: Academic Trends

Event: 22-23 Feb 10 Riverside CA First ?Think Outside the Carton? User Conference Including Enterprise Information Mapping

Event: 3-5 Nov 2010, Barcelona Spain, Drumbeat Festival 2010: Learning, freedom and the web

Event: NYC Oct 10-16, MobilityShifts ? An International Future of Learning Summit

George Soros Nails It: Intelligence with Integrity

Graphic: 21st Century Learner-Centered Digital Mobile Learning

Howard Rheingold: Cooperation Theory

Howard Rheingold: Crap Detection & Critical Thinking

Howard Rheingold: Infotention Skills + Citizen Intel RECAP

Howard Rheingold: Your Child Will Be Fine ? They Live in the Stream?

Hyperlink-Notes on the Future of Education (and the future is now) from Bits to Bots

John Steiner: Neuro-Economics ? Convergence + RECAP

Joichi Ito: Internet is an Open-Source Philosophy

John Robb: Free Online Open Source Education + RECAP

John Seely Brown?s New Culture of Learning and US Unified Community Action Network (US UCAN)

Journal: It?s Official?Social Media EDUCATES

Journal: Reinventing Education?Putting Students First

Koko: Universities, iTunes, Learning, and Open Source Everything

Marc Andreessen: US Education Crisis?Young and Old

Michel Bauwens: The Future of Learning, Networked Society ? Ericsson YouTube (20:18) + Digital Native Education RECAP

Michel Bauwens: The New Rules of Innovation ? Bottom-Up Solutions to Top-Down Problems

Michael Bloomberg, Vice President for Education, Intelligence, & Research ? Creating a Smart Nation

MIT (Open) World: Browsing

Network Learning to Team/Autonomous Learning

Next Net, Transitional Net, Autonomous Net

Officer?s Comment on Education vs. Sock Puppetry

Open Source Mobile Tech (SMS) Platforms for Credit, Education, Legal, and Medical

Patrick Meier: DeadUshandi / Ushandi 10% of the Solution

Patrick Meier: Trails of Digital Trustworthness

Patrick Meier: Truth in the Age of Social Media: A Social Computing and Big Data Challenge

Peter Thiel (PayPal) on Education Bubble

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Pierre Levy: Open-Science Movement Catches Fire

Plenty of Spectrum?Not Enough Integrity

Reference: Open Source Agency Synopsis (Full Text Online for Google Translate)

Reference: Personal Aggregate, Filter & Connect Strategies

Reference: Smart Nation Act Draft (Full Text Online for Google Translate)

Review (Guest): Program or be Programmed?Ten Commands for a Digital Age

Review: Big Man on Campus ? A University President Speaks Out on Higher Education

Review: Digital Natives & Digital Immigrants

Review: Don?t Bother Me Mom?I?m Learning!

Review: Edutopia?Success Stories for Learning in the Digital Age

Review: Making Learning Whole?How Seven Principles of Teaching can Transform Education

Review: Mobilizing Minds?Creating Wealth From Talent in the 21st Century Organization

Review: Need, Speed and Greed ? How the New Rules of Innovation Can Transform Businesses, Propel Nations to Greatness, and Tame the World?s Most Wicked Problems

Review: NET SMART ? How to Thrive Online

Review: Philosophy and the Social Problem?The Annotated Edition

Review: Reality Is Broken?Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World

Review: Reflections on Higher Education

Review: Scholarship in the Digital Age?Information, Infrastructure, and the Internet

Review: Seven Complex Lessons for the Future

Review: The Information Diet ? A Case for Conscious Consumption

Review: The Mobile Wave

Review: The Social Life of Information

Review: The Telescreen ? An Empirical and Philosophical Study of the Destruction of Consciousness in America

Review: The World Is Open?How Web Technology Is Revolutionizing Education

Review: Too Big to Know ? Rethinking Knowledge Now That the Facts Aren?t the Facts, Experts Are Everywhere, and the Smartest Person in the Room Is the Room

Review: Unleashing Web 2.0?From Concepts to Creativity

Robert Steele: Data Is the New Oil BUT No One Is Serious About Holistic Analytics, True Cost Economics, Machine or Man-Machine Translation, or M4IS2

Robert Steele: Itemization of Information Pathologies

Robert Steele: Liberation Technology Update

Sean Eaton: Reflections on Education

Search: global brain human brain + RECAP

Search: linking the split brain theory and jungian epistemological balance to architectural pedagogy

Search: solution to education bubble

Sepp Hasslberger: Scientists, Citizens, & Real-Time Pervasive Science

Seth Godin: Back to (the wrong) school ? inspires a plan to retrain 44% of the US workforce in one year

Seth Godin on Education Bubble & Alternative

SmartPlanet: Reinventing Education via edX and MOOC [Massive Open Online Courses]

Steve Wheeler: Learning with ?e?s ? Education funnels and webs of learning

Suicide turns attention to Fairfax County school discipline procedures

TED: Sugata Mitra?The child-driven education

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The $12 Computer

Theophilis Goodyear: The ?Teflon? Argument ? Open-Source Government Can Launch a New Scientific Age with Multinational Open-Source Science Projects

Tom Atlee: Public Wisdom Suggested Reading

Tom Atlee: Two Game-Changers

Video: Visions of the Gamepocalypse, Possible Futures, Waking Up, Thinking, and Creating a Better World

What Presidents Don?t Know About Education Plus RECAP of 6 Star Plus Books Relevant to Creating a Smart Nation with a Strategic Narrative that WORKS

Worth a Look: Books Reviews on Education for Freedom & Innovation

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Innovation

Worth a Look: Books on Reinventing Education Updated July 2012

Worth a Look: Curriculum Reform Forum

Worth a Look: Live Language Lessons Online

Yoda: Child-Driven Education, Convergence of Knowledge

Yoda: Ana Cristina Pratas ? Digital Bridges for Learners

Yoda: Education Finally Being Deeply Disrupted & Modernized by Internet

Yoda: Open Virginia ? Open and Digital Learning Resources Conference

Yoda: The Corruption of America

Yoda: The Extended School ? Obstacles & Possibilities

Big Picture:

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2013 Public Governance in the 21st Century: New Rules, Hybrid Forms, One Constant ? The Public

2013 Robert Steele: Reflections on Inspectors General

2011: Inteligencia Empresarial y Estrategia Competitiva en Mercados Internacional ? Contexto y Desafio [Commercial Intelligence and Competitive Strategy in International Markets - Context and Challenge]

2011 Thinking About Revolution in the USA and Elsewhere (Full Text Online for Google Translate)

2008: Creating a Smart Nation (Full Text Online for Google Translate)

2008: World Brain as EarthGame (Full Text Online for Google Translate)

1992-2012 CIA Still Does Not ?Get? Open Source

Bangladesh Farmers + ICT, Increasing Awareness to Increase Income, Model for Other Countries

Berto Jongman: Ray Kurzweil on Man-Machine Future

Berto Jongman: The Emerging Global Mind

Event: AM 31 Mar Washington Panel on Complexity & Reflexivity, Washington Academy of Sciences + Meta-RECAP

Red Raven: Occupy the Library ? Pass It On

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Richard Stallman: Why Open Source Misses the Point of Free Software 1.1

Bojan Radej: Data Journalism Handbook & Graphic Map

Changing the World, One Map at a Time

David Isenberg: Intelligence On Demand in a Mobile Device ? Hardy Har Har Choke Cough Gag with Comments by Robert Steele & RIchard Wright

DefDog: InfoWeek Holds Retirement Party for Microsoft

DefDog: Open Source Life ? How the open movement will change everything

DefDog: The infamous ?take down the Internet in 30 minutes? hearing from 1998 ? Tens of Billions Later, NSA and OMB Have Not Done Their Jobs, US Cyber is Wide Open and Unsafe at Any Speed + Meta-RECAP

Event: 8-10 June NYC Strategies for a New Economy

Event: 17-22 Sep Helsinki Open Knowledge Conference

Event: 18 Mar San Francisco Open Source Ventures

Event: 29-31 July 2010, Berkeley CA, Open Science Summit

Event: University Seminar on Reflexive Systems, Open Source Everything, Future of GW ? Slides, Answers Posted

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Gary North: Administrative Law (New World Order) versus Democracy (Live Free or Die)

Gary North: Time for Rival Explanations & Solutions + RECAP

Gordon Duff: Mind Control, Lef-Right Myth, Re-Connecting to Reality + Meta-RECAP

Joe Bageant Lives ? His Light, Our Brains

John Steiner: Bob Burnett on Renewing Democracy, Shifting Paradigm and Open Letter from Robert Steele

John Steiner: Declaration of Occupation of NYC + Revolution USA RECAP

Journal: Human-Centered Computing (Not?)

Journal: Virginia Sink or Swim

Koko: Serial Entrepreneur Damon Horowitz Says ?Quit Your Tech Job and Get a Ph.D. in the Humanities?

John Steiner: Occupy Hearts ? Compassion New Currency

Journal: Cyber-Security or Cyber-Scam? Plus Short List of Links to Reviews and Books on Hacking 101

Journal: Librarians and The Accessibility Paradox

Mario Profaca: US Lacks Cyber-Intelligence + RECAP

Michel Bauwens: Alan Moore on Hacking the Future

Michel Bauwens: Indignados are (not so) silently gaining strength

Open Access and International Relations Journals

ON INTELLIGENCE: Open Letter to the President

Paul Fernhout: Comments on Integrity at Scale

Patrick Meier: Advice to Future PhDs from 2 Unusual Graduating PhDs ? Blog Twitter Hybrid Teach-Consult Dissertation Focus

PETITION Deadline 19 June, For Open Access to Taxpayer-Funded Research Information

Journal: A Conversation with Clay Shirky

Omidyar Network to Invest $55M in Internet + Mobile Tech for Gov Transparency and Economic Empowerment

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Reference: Building a National Information Strategy (India, 2002)

Reference: Citizen Initiative Review by Tom Atlee

Reference: Diversity of Voices & Values

Reference: Human Intelligence (HUMINT) ? All Humans, All Minds, All the Time [Full Text Online for Google Translate]

Reference: Leverage Points ? Places to Intervene in a System by Donella Meadows

Reference: The 99% Declaration

Reference: Transparency Killer App Plus ?Open Everything? RECAP (Back to 01/2007)

Reference: What Is the One Thing? On Democracy

Reference: World Brain Review

Resources for Powerful Conversations

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Review (Guest): The Penguin and the Leviathan ? How Cooperation Triumphs over Self-Interest

Review: A Democratic Approach to Sustainable Futures ? A Workbook for Addressing the Global Problematique

Review: Full Spectrum Diplomacy and Grand Strategy ? Reforming the Structure and Culture of U.S. Foreign Policy

Review: Homeland Earth

Review: Intelligence and U.S. Foreign Policy ? Iraq, 9/11, and Misguided Reform

Review: Lines of Fire ? A Renegade Writes on Strategy, Intelligence, and Security

Review: Mapping the Moral Domain: A Contribution of Women?s Thinking to Psychological Theory and Education

Review: No More Secrets ? Open Source Information and the Reshaping of U.S. Intelligence

Review: Nonzero?The Logic of Human Destiny

Review: Pedagogy of Freedom?Ethics, Democracy, and Civic Courage

Review: Polarity Management ? Identifying and Managing Unsolvable Problems

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Review: Rebooting the American Dream?11 Ways to Rebuild Our Country

Review: Redesigning Society

Review: Reflexive Practice?Professional Thinking for a Turbulent World

Review: Rescuing the Enlightenment from Itself ? Critical and Systemic Implications for Democracy (C. West Churchman?s Legacy and Related Works)

Review: Rethink?A Business Manifesto for Cutting Costs and Boosting Innovation

Review: Sacred Economics ? Money, Gift, and Society in the Age of Transition

Review: Seeing What?s Next?Using Theories of Innovation to Predict Industry Change

Review: SMS Uprising: Mobile Activism in Africa

Review: The Beginning of All Things?Science and Religion

Review: The Design of Business?Why Design Thinking is the Next Competitive Advantage

Review: The Emerging Worldwide Electronic University?Information Age Global Higher Education

Review: The Hidden Wealth of Nations

Review: The Open Source Everything Manifesto ? Transparency, Truth & Trust

Review: The Philanthropy of George Soros ? Building Open Societies

Review: Unleashing Web 2.0?From Concepts to Creativity

Review: Wave Rider: Leadership for High Performance in a Self-Organizing World

Review: Why Nations Fail ? The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty

Richard Stallman: Free Software Foundation Newsletter #53 August 2012

Richard Stallman: Why Open Source Misses the Point of Free Software 1.1

Richard Wright: Washington Post ? No Memory on Iraq & No Integrity on Iran

Robert Steele: Citizen in Search of Integrity (Full Text Online for Google Translate)

Robert Steele: Future-Proofing the City

Robert Steele: Global Trends 2030 ? Gaps + RECAP

Robert Steele: Open Answers to Adam Dorwart

Robert Steele: Reflections on United Nations Intelligence & Counterintelligence

Robert Steele: World Bank Open Access / Open Knowledge

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Search: 21st Century

Search: design thinking and public administratio

Search: errors that resulted in great ideas

Search: global brain human brain + RECAP

Search: holistic cybernetic integral

Search: leadership thinking models

Search: open source intelligence center

Search: smart nation intelligence reform electoral reform national security reform

Search: the death of humint + HUMINT RECAP

SmartPlanet: Open Mind = Resilience

Theophilis Goodyear: Panarchy versus Anarchy ? Non-Hierarchal, Network-Controled Governance + Panarchy RECAP

Tom Atlee: Six Faces of Wholeness

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USA Has Become Deaf, Dumb, and Blind

USA: Thirteen Big Lies ? Needed Counter-Narrative

U.S. Intelligence Community as Land of Make Believe

Venessa Miemis: Infrastructure for Resilient Internet Systems

Worth a Look: Citizen Science

Worth a Look: Design Earth

Worth a Look: Field To Market?The Keystone Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture

Worth a Look: Innovation Orientation

Worth a Look: Libre Projects ? Free Web Services & Alternatives

Worth a Look: Open Farm Technology

Worth a Look: Talking Plants?Sensor to Shooter

Worth a Look: UNICEF RapidSMS

Yoda: Best 10 Countries for the Internet ? None in Africa

Yoda: Big Data Hype Small Data Hype Visualization Hype ? ?Technology is not a substitute for thinking?

Yoda: Real-Time Crowd-Sourcing + Twitter Meta-RECAP

Robert David STEELE Vivas
Click on Image for Personal Web Page

See Also:

DuckDuckGo / Open Education

DuckDuckGo / Digital Learning

Google Images / Open Education source=phibetaiota

Google Images / Digital Learning source=phibetaiota

Wikipedia / Open Education

Wikipedia / Digital Education Revolution


W S B H c mitt romney mark zuckerberg

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Choose the right accounting system in 9 steps | Dynamic Business ...

Remember ? time is money! What?s the cost to your business if you have to spend 30 hours a month of your time on your bookkeeping?

With this in mind, follow these 9 steps and you?ll be well on track to choosing the right accounting solution for your business.

1.?Talk to your accountant first

There is nothing like expert advice. Your accountant is the best person to advise you on which accounting or bookkeeping system to use. Independent market research has shown that business owners using solutions recommended by their accountants have high levels of happiness (95 percent) and confidence (91 percent) with their bookkeeping ? so don?t waste hours of time trying to review all the different options available on your own. Seek expert and well-informed advice!

2. Identify your abilities and preferences

According to the market research, one in three Australian business owners find that time is the biggest frustration when it comes to their accounting, so be honest with yourself about how much time you can afford to spend doing your books. Some solutions will require more time than others ? particularly those ?do-it-yourself? accounting packages. So make sure you have an accurate idea about how much time you can (and want) to spend on your accounting.

Other frustrations reported by business owners included the stress, cost and complications involved with doing their books, along with the fact that their accountant has to re-do some of their work. Remember time is money and what is the cost to your business if you have to spend 30 hours a month of your time on your bookkeeping?

3. Understand your business requirements

Develop a checklist of what you need from your accounting solution ? different businesses have different needs such as invoicing, debtors, bank reconciliation, reporting and/or payroll. This checklist will help you identify the best option for your business which offers just the right amount of features.

Some businesses need a full ?do-it-yourself? double entry accounting package, while others are more suited to a simpler solution that handles only a few requirements.

Don?t be fooled into thinking the solution with the most ?bells and whistles? is the one that will do the best job. It is often the case that an accounting solution chosen solely on the basis of its features ends up being too complex to use properly.

4. Trying to do all your bookwork will not necessarily reduce your accounting fees

The market research shows that many business owners use their accounting solution because they think it saves them money on their accounting fees. Yet many are struggling with the time and complexity of their solution, as well as often supplying incorrect information requiring extra work by their accountant. The result can often be higher accounting fees as well as the wasted time and frustration from using an inappropriate package. Talk to your accountant about whether the system you are using (or thinking of using) really does reduce your accounting fees.

5. Find out what it costs

If you do decide to operate your own accounting software, make sure you understand the costs associated with using the support system, if there are annual upgrade costs or ongoing monthly costs, and what the potential costs may be if you need help or training. Desktop products usually have higher upfront costs but lower ongoing costs compared to the consistent monthly costs of online products. You should also consider the related technology costs. Desktop products require higher specification hardware whereas online products require a higher specification internet connection. Some packages may seem a good investment initially, until you consider the longer-term costs.

6. Choose a product than automatically imports bank data

While there are many features that you will be considering perhaps the most important from a time saving perspective is the ability to automatically import and process your bank data. Whether you or your accountant use your bank data as your core record of your businesses transactions or whether you reconcile your bank transactions with your invoicing and payments records, you will find that automatically importing and processing that data saves considerable time and reduces the potential for errors.

7. Check out the security of your bank data

Check what level of security your accounting solution offers. If your product get feeds of bank data find out how your data is being gathered. Some accounting solutions use secure feeds direct from the business owner?s financial institution, while others rely on ?screen-scraping? methods to obtain these transactions.

Screen scraping requires a business owner to provide their internet banking login and password details to a third party, which stores those details. That third party then automatically logs in to the business? internet banking account at regular intervals, copies their transaction details and supplies them to their accounting services provider.

Make sure you are aware how your transactions are being obtained, and never disclose your login and password details to any third party. If you do you are likely to be liable for any fraud that may occur ? whether or not it is related to the screen-scraping service.

Although the security risks from screen-scraping may appear low, cyber security threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated and ever more frequent, and the consequences of any issues could be significant. Are you prepared to place such mission critical information in the hands of a third party?

8. What happens if the company providing your software fails?

Make sure you conduct some basic due diligence on potential software providers, especially if you are considering a cloud provider where you do your accounting completely online. Cloud accounting solutions can offer great convenience, but make sure you know where your data is being stored, and how you can access it if something happens to your provider. If the provider of a desktop solution fails you will still have access to your data.

Assess the risks ? what happens if you lose your data and what processes would you have to go through to get it back?

9. Switching isn?t easy

Make an informed decision before signing on the dotted line ? switching providers is not an easy process and it takes time and training for you to learn how to use a new solution.

Make a list of the pros and cons of each potential accounting solution. There really isn?t a ?one-size-fits-all? product when it comes to accounting solutions, so review your options carefully. The time you spend now could save you significant time and money later on.

Be informed and seek professional advice. While some products are great for some people, for others they can create even more work. Don?t be swayed by hype or special deals.


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Friday, October 19, 2012

Food and drink trade exhibition IFE is back next year, Metropolis Business Publishing, 6th Floor Davis House, 2 Robert Street, Croydon, CR0 1QQ and Independent Retail News are published by Metropolis International Group Ltd, 140 Wales Farm Road, London, W3 6UG.
Registered in England no. 2916515



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IBM Takes a Big Data Approach to Security -

Companies will spend an estimated $50 billion on computer security this year, but they are not feeling particularly secure these days.

Blame innovation, if you like. Every big digital advance opens the door to both opportunity and mischief. Smartphones, cloud computing and the data explosion promise a revolution in communications, cost-savings and knowledge discovery. But those three trends in technology also create security headaches.

John Meakin, the global head of security for Deutsche Bank, speaks of the rising tempo and sophistication of security threats, and how applications delivered over the Internet and mobile devices take sensitive data beyond the traditional security stronghold ? the ?fortress firewall,? he calls it.

What is needed, according to Mr. Meakin, is a smart ?always-on, listening widely? tool to detect emerging security threats ? typically software bots intent on pilfering information and committing fraud.

I.B.M. is moving to provide the kind of digital security sentinel the Deutsche Bank security chief has in mind.

The company is making a bundle of product announcements on Thursday that address the security challenges of mobile, cloud and Big Data computing, and I.B.M. is applying its own data analysis expertise to attack the data-security problem.

The key, said Steven A. Mills, senior vice president in charge of I.B.M.?s software business, is technology that constantly monitors all kinds of data flowing into and out of a company and looks for unusual activity, or ?threat patterns.?

?Security today is a real-time Big Data challenge,? Mr. Mills said.

The I.B.M. offerings are mainly monitoring software for data flows to and from mobile devices, remote data centers and programs built with Hadoop, the underlying software for many Big Data applications.

The products are the result of years of I.B.M. investment and several recent acquisitions, notably Q1 Labs, a private company based in Waltham, Mass., that I.B.M. bought last year. With the Q1 deal, I.B.M. set up a separate security division, and Q1?s chief executive, Brendan Hannigan, became general manager of the security business.

Equifax, a large credit reporting agency, started working with Q1 shortly before it was bought by I.B.M. With 572 million consumer records in its data centers, Equifax must stay at the leading edge of security technology, said Tony Spinelli, its chief security officer. He said security was a never-ending race to stay ahead of modern hackers, whom he called ?artful and creative guys.?

The appeal of I.B.M.?s strategy, Mr. Spinelli said, is that it focuses on ?security intelligence.? The traditional approach to security, he explained, has focused on ?detection and reaction.? But today, he added, the need is for automated tools that mine data flows to spot threats and issue alerts to security professionals.

I.B.M.?s moves reflect how the computer security business is evolving, said Jon Oltsik, an analyst for the Enterprise Strategy Group, a research firm. The industry, he said, has long been dominated by niche companies that focused on specific products, like virus software or firewalls. But the rising complexity of computing, and of security threats, is prompting a consolidation ? and a need for products and services that span the spectrum of security threats companies face.

I.B.M., Mr. Oltsik said, is one of the few companies that has both the technology expertise and broad reach to be a winner. Other candidates, he said, include Hewlett-Packard, McAfee, Symantec and perhaps Cisco.

?This massive series of announcements shows that I.B.M. is executing on its security vision,? Mr. Oltsik said.


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Obama comes out swinging after debate

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Newsweek to cease print, go digital-only in 2013


After years of losing money,?Newsweek announced on Thursday that it will stop printing its magazine and become a digital-only publication.

"Newsweek will transition to an all-digital format in early 2013," editor Tina Brown wrote in an email to employees early on Thursday. "As part of this transition, the last print edition in the U.S. will be our December 31st issue."

The new all-digital publication, called Newsweek Global, "will be a single, worldwide edition," Brown wrote. The e-magazine will be supported by paid subscriptions and made available for e-readers for both tablet and the Web, with some content available on The Daily Beast.

More from Brown's email:

We are transitioning Newsweek, not saying goodbye to it. We remain committed to Newsweek and to the journalism that it represents. This decision is not about the quality of the brand or the journalism, that is as powerful as ever. It is about the challenging economics of print publishing and distribution.

The inexorable move to an all-digital Newsweek comes with an unfortunate reality. Regrettably we anticipate staff reductions and the streamlining of our editorial and business operations both here in the United States and internationally.

In 2010, the Washington Post Company sold Newsweek to audio equipment magnate Sidney Harman for $1 plus the assumption of the magazine's estimated $40 million-plus debt.

Later that year, Harman struck a deal with Brown, editor of The Daily Beast, and Barry Diller's InterActiveCorp (IAC) to run the business. Harman died in April 2011 at 92, leaving his ownership stake to his estate.

[Related: Tina Brown defends photo-editing Princess Di on Newsweek cover]

In July, Harman's family said it would no longer invest in the 79-year-old magazine, leaving Diller and the Beast in full control. During a conference call with investors several weeks later, Diller hinted that the newsweekly?with a circulation of 1.5 million?would soon be a digital-only publication.

"The transition to online from hard print will take place," Diller said. "We're examining all of our options. ...?The brand is good. What's the problem? The problem is manufacturing and producing a weekly newsmagazine. That's going to have to be solved. Advertising in this category is entirely elective. The transition will happen."

IAC?which also owns, and most of its revenue from digital properties.

[Related: Did Newsweek choose Michele Bachmann cover photo to make her 'look crazy'?]

According to, Newsweek is projected to lose as much as $22 million this year. In 2011, ad pages for Newsweek fell 16.8 percent, according to the Publishers Information Bureau?a dismal year following an even worse 2010, when ad pages plummeted nearly 20 percent.

Since taking the reins, Brown, former editor of Vanity Fair and the New Yorker, has put her stamp on Newsweek. She has produced controversial print covers (imagining what Princess Diana would have looked like at 50, for instance, or declaring Barack Obama to be the "first gay president") in a bid to prop up newsstand sales, create buzz and be part of what she likes to call "the conversation."

According to the Audit Bureau of Circulations, those efforts proved futile, at least at the newsstand. Through June, Newsweek's single-copy sales were down 10 percent compared with the first half of 2011, selling an average of 42,065 copies per issue.


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HTC J Butterfly video round-up

Android Central

Japanese carrier AU is set to launch what's arguably the highest-spec'd Android handset we've seen to date, the HTC J Butterfly. With 4G LTE support, a beastly quad-core Snapdragon CPU and a whopping 5-inch 1080p SuperLCD3 (yes, three) display, there's little more you could want from a smartphone. (Well, OK, maybe a bigger battery.)

It's unlikely we'll see this exact handset outside of Japan -- although a Verizon version has long been rumored for release later in the year. Nevertheless, hands-on videos are starting to crop up around the web of the original Japanese version, and so we've collected some of the best for your perusal. Check 'em out after the break.

read more


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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Video: Romney to debate moderators: Did you hear me?

Multivitamin cuts men's cancer risk 8 percent

After years of research showing dietary supplements failed to prevent cancer, a new study of multivitamin use in men has a surprising message: This one worked. A daily dose of Centrum Silver multivitamins reduced the total cancer risk by 8 percent in nearly 15,000 men over 50.


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Monday, October 15, 2012

Israeli airstrike kills senior Gaza militant

Palestinian mourners gather around the body of Salafi militant Hisham Saidani during his funeral in Bureij refugee camp, central Gaza Strip, Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012. Saidani, a member of a faction of the ultraconservative Salafi trend believed to have ties to al-Qaida, was one of two people killed in an Israeli airstrike on Saturday. Saidani is suspected of carrying out attacks against Israeli and Egyptian targets. (AP Photo/ Hatem Moussa)

Palestinian mourners gather around the body of Salafi militant Hisham Saidani during his funeral in Bureij refugee camp, central Gaza Strip, Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012. Saidani, a member of a faction of the ultraconservative Salafi trend believed to have ties to al-Qaida, was one of two people killed in an Israeli airstrike on Saturday. Saidani is suspected of carrying out attacks against Israeli and Egyptian targets. (AP Photo/ Hatem Moussa)

Palestinian mourners gather around the body of Salafi militant Hisham Saidani during his funeral in Bureij refugee camp, central Gaza Strip, Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012. Saidani, a member of a faction of the ultraconservative Salafi trend believed to have ties to al-Qaida, was one of two people killed in an Israeli airstrike on Saturday. Saidani is suspected of carrying out attacks against Israeli and Egyptian targets. (AP Photo/ Hatem Moussa)

Palestinian women react during the funeral of Yasser Al-Attal, 22, a militant from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), in Khan Younis, southern Gaza Strip Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012. Al-Attal was killed during an Israeli air strike east of Khan Younis early Sunday. According to Israel's army spokesperson Israeli aircraft hit Gaza militants planning a rocket attack. (AP Photo/Adel Hana)

A Palestinian security officer helps farmers pick olives during the harvest season, in the northern West Bank village of Maythaloon, Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012. The U.N. Middle East envoy said on Sunday he's alarmed by attacks blamed on Israeli settlers against Palestinian farmers and their olive trees. (AP Photo/Mohammed Ballas)

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) ? Israel claimed a significant blow against al-Qaida-inspired militants in the Gaza Strip Sunday, killing one of the most influential leaders from an extreme branch of Islam that has targeted Egypt and Gaza's Hamas rulers as well as Israel.

Hisham Saidani was killed alongside another top militant in the northern Gaza Strip in an airstrike late Saturday, Israel's military said. He was one of the main ideological guides for the violent, ultra-conservative Islamic movements in Gaza known as Salafi jihadis.

The Israeli military said Saidani, 43, was suspected of carrying out attacks against Egyptian and Israeli targets, but they would not provide further information.

Militants on jihadi websites identified the other dead man as Ashraf Sabah, 37. They said he was the leader of another al-Qaida inspired group, Ansar al-Sunnah.

In recent years, a number of shadowy groups that claim inspiration from al-Qaida have been on the rise in Gaza. While they are not believed to have direct links with the global terror network, they share the same belief that they can impose their fundamentalist version of Islam by force and frequently borrow its tactics. They have also clashed with Gaza's ruling Islamic militant Hamas movement.

Saidani led a small group, "Tawhid wal Jihad," or "Monotheism and Holy War," believed responsible for killing of an Israeli civilian working along the Egyptian border last June. He was also linked to the Mujahideen Shura Council, another militant group operating in Gaza and Egypt's neighboring Sinai desert.

Salafi militants first emerged in Gaza around 2005, after Israel withdrew from the territory. Members of one such group, the Army of Islam, cooperated with Hamas in the abduction of an Israeli soldier the following year. But after Hamas seized power in Gaza in 2007, differences emerged, and the sides parted ways.

Several hundred Salafi militants are now believed to be in Gaza. Saidani was the best known.

Saidani returned to Gaza in 2008 when Gaza militants blew a hole through the border fence with Egypt. Thousands of people crossed the border at the time.

Followers of Saidani were responsible for kidnapping and killing Italian activist Vittorio Arrigoni in Gaza in March 2011. Saidani later denounced the act.

He sought to unite the many groups of ultraconservative Salafis in Gaza, according to jihadis commenting about his death.

In response to Saidani's death, al-Qaida's media arm warned Israel that its "joy will not last long."

"We fully trust our brothers that they will be capable of avenging the killing," said a statement by the Global Islamic Media Front, a European group that supports al-Qaida and other extremist organizations. The statement underscored Saidani's prominence among jihadis.

Over the past year, Israel has targeted militant Salafi militants with airstrikes in Gaza, seeing them as a new threat to its southern border.

On Sunday, Israeli airstrikes killed three more militants, said Palestinian health spokesman Ashraf al-Kidra. In all, five militants were killed in weekend fighting.

Israeli officials believe the militant Salafis sometimes cross between Gaza and Sinai, using the lawless Egyptian territory as a base to conduct attacks, or to flee after carrying out attacks elsewhere. Many adopt a Pakistani style of dress: long loose shirts over baggy pants, sandals and turbans.

They are considered a threat not only to Israel, but to Hamas and Egypt as well.

Militant Salafis consider Hamas, which itself is dedicated to Israel's destruction, to be too moderate because it seeks to establish a Palestinian state. Instead, they believe all Muslim lands should be united under the rule of fundamentalists, forcefully applying an extremely conservative version of Islam.

Most Salafis disavow militancy. They have lived quietly in Gaza for decades, some in separate, closed communities.

Hamas arrested Saidani, also known as Sheik Abu Walid-al-Maqdasi, last year in the one of most high-profile arrests against the territory's militant Salafis. He was released two months ago.

Saidani was also imprisoned in Egypt after he tried to join militants fighting in Iraq. He was arrested again after he tried to enter Gaza through smuggling tunnels that connect the two territories, according to a militant website that listed Saidani's biography.

Speaking to his Cabinet on Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praised the attack.

"The global jihad is stepping up its efforts to harm us, and we will continue to act against it aggressively and powerfully, both reactively and pre-emptively," Netanyahu said.

During the last few days of violence, Palestinians fired more than 40 rockets at Israeli communities near Gaza, the military said. The salvos damaged property, but nobody was hurt.

Israel says it holds Hamas responsible for the barrages because it rules Gaza. The two have largely maintained an unwritten truce since a brief war nearly four years ago, but flare-ups occur occasionally.

In a separate development, the U.N.'s Middle East envoy harshly criticized attacks blamed on Israeli settlers against Palestinian farmers and their olive trees in the West Bank.

In a statement, Robert Serry said Israel must do more to protect Palestinians and their property in the West Bank. The West Bank, claimed by the Palestinians for a state, is under Israeli military rule.

"These acts are reprehensible, and I call on the government of Israel to bring those responsible to justice," Serry said.

The Israeli military said security forces were taking "every measure to ensure the safety and security of the local residents."


Additional reporting by Maamoun Youssef in Cairo and Diaa Hadid in Jerusalem. Follow Hadid on

Associated Press


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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pets get dressed up to help CASA - WTOC-TV: Savannah, Beaufort ...


Many animal lovers spent their Saturday at Catnip-N-Biscuits dressing up their pets to benefit CASA, the Court Appointed Special Advocates.

Jobeth Fuller, one of the dancers in this year's Dancing with the Savannah Stars is hoping to raise $10,000 for the organization.

"When I got asked to dance, it was an honor and I'm getting choked up because it is an honor to be able to help children," Fuller said.

"I've been a member of the Junior League and I love working with the community and I just love being able to help children. I love children, and to be able to come out and to be able to come out and see all the participation that we've had out here today and all the dogs, cause animals are so dear to me."

WTOC's Cyreia Sandlin was among the judges for the costume contest.

Copyright 2012?WTOC. All rights reserved.


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Report: Apple to announce 'iPad Mini' on Oct. 23

11 hrs.

The topic of a 7.85-inch iPad has been so hot in the rumor mill that?we have been waiting eagerly for some idea of launch timing. Though we previously believed Apple would show the thing off on Oct. 17, a new, credible report says?Apple will hold its event on Oct. 23.

The report comes to us from AllThingsD's?John Paczkowski, who is well-known for his solid Apple event?predictions.?Paczkowski explains that just because invitations for a "special event" didn't go out on Oct. 10, as previously expected, doesn't mean that Apple won't show off a smaller version of the iPad ? referred to as the "iPad Mini ? soon. The announcement will happen on Oct. 23, rather than Oct. 17, as previously rumored, "people familiar with Apple's plans" tell?Paczkowski.

"That?s a Tuesday, not a Wednesday, so this is a bit of a break with recent tradition,"?Paczkowski?points out. "It also happens to be just three days prior to the street date for Microsoft?s new Surface tablet." Paczkowski says that the event will likely be held on Apple's campus, rather than in San Francisco, where its larger media blitzes take place.

The Loop's Jim Dalrymple, another well-connected fella when it comes to most things Apple, gave Paczkowski report a nod with a simple "Yep."

Want more tech news?or interesting?links? You'll get plenty of both if you keep up with Rosa Golijan, the writer of this post, by following her on?Twitter, subscribing to her?Facebook?posts,?or circling her?on?Google+.


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Cross-border business converges at Mipcom | Rapid TV News

Pascale Paoli-Lebailly | 13-10-2012

Wrapped up on Thursday, Mipcom 2012 attracted 12,900 delegates from 104 countries showing significant increase in companies from Latin America and Asia. This included 500 buyers, out of a total of 4,400, making dedicated VOD acquisitions.

Alongside major companies from the film and TV worlds, internet giants were definitely active, seeking content and this year multiplying announcements. You Tube/Google is about to launch 60 channels in the UK, Germany and France, with original content coming from FremantleMedia, BBC Worldwide, Endemol and All3Media.

Hulu will invest $500m in content this year, and Netflix introduced House of Cards. The platform?s re-make of the classic 1990 British mini-series is blurring the lines between film, television and web-based companies. Featuring Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright, this $100m 13-episode series, directed by David Fincher, will be launched online first next February.

All platforms urged the content production community to embrace them. The three internet players have been attending Mipcom for several years, but mostly as buyers. Today, they are very much involved in developing premium content, such as Hulu working closely in co-pros with traditional broadcasting heavyweights BBC and Nickelodeon.

Content groups like Zodiak and FremantleMedia are confident in their capabilities as global players to build TV shows and above all TV brands able to span across all platforms.

All this explains why high-quality, original programming and great story-telling are at the heart of the TV players?s emphasis. Producer/distributor Harvey Weinstein thus unveiled in Cannes The Weinstein Company?s plans to expand into television production and distribution with epic drama series Marco Polo, as well as live show The World Dance Awards ? conceived by Lord of the Dance?s creator Michael Flatley.

Having produced more than 2,200 hours of TV programming, with current hits including Survivor, The Voice, The Celebrity Apprentice and Shark Tank, format producer Mark Burnett is also taking up new challenge with series about The Bible.

Oscar-winning writer/director Jane Campion also attended Mipcom, introducing drama series Top of the Lake, starring Elisabeth Moss, Peter Mullan and Holly Hunter.

Focusing on international co-pros growth, Canada, which was honoured this year as a country, stressed it had funding bodies and industry to target companies that start developing strong original concepts that will be popular worldwide.

Despite economic pressure at the moment in some countries, Mipcom confirmed there is an increasing need for cross-border business and networking.


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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Why Biden won

Overall, Thursday night's presidential debate was Joe Biden's night. He not only trounced Paul Ryan, but also, in the process, trounced Mitt Romney.

By Robert Reich,?Guest blogger / October 13, 2012

Vice President Joe Biden, accompanied by his wife Dr. Jill Biden, gives a 'thumbs-up' as they board Air Force Two at Lexington Blue Grass Airport, Friday, Oct. 12, 2012, in Lexington, Ky.

Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP


I thought Biden won Thursday night?s debate because he came off as genuine, passionate, and brimming with conviction. Ryan,?by contrast, seemed like a?wooden marionette,?a kid out of his depth relative to someone who not only knew the facts but lived them.

Skip to next paragraph Robert Reich

Robert is chancellor?s professor of public policy at the University of California at Berkeley. He has served in three national administrations, most recently as secretary of labor under President Clinton. Time Magazine?named him one of the 10 most effective cabinet secretaries of the last century. He has written 13 books, including ?The Work of Nations,? his latest best-seller ?Aftershock: The Next Economy and America?s Future," and a new?e-book, ?Beyond Outrage.??He is also a founding editor of the American Prospect magazine and chairman of Common Cause.

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On taxes, Ryan couldn?t come up with any details about what loopholes he and Romney would close, or how their magic arithmetic (giant tax cut for the wealthy plus $2 trillion more for the military than the Joint Chiefs of Staff want) can possibly be paid for without socking it to the middle class.

By contrast, Biden made the case for average working people whose wages have barely risen in thirty years but who are bearing a higher total tax burden (payroll, sales, property, income) on a higher percent of their income than high rollers like Romney ? and why the well off should do more.

On Medicare, Ryan couldn?t explain why his plan wasn?t a voucher program that ?saved? money only by shifting the costs on to seniors who would end up holding the bag as medical costs rose. Biden effectively defended the President?s plan to save Medicare by cutting excessive payments to providers.

Biden also pointed out that Ryan and his allies had tried to privatize Social Security. Score another one for Joe.

On abortion, Ryan had to admit he and Romney would work to prevent women from having the right to choose an abortion if they needed and wanted one. Biden made it clear his religious beliefs about when life began should not, in his view, force anyone who didn?t share them to follow them.

I thought Biden?s closing could have been tougher, drawing a sharper contrast between the Romney-Ryan ?you?re on your own? worldview, and the ?we?re in it all together? belief that has built America ? and which Obama and Biden represent.

But overall it was Biden?s night. He not only trounced Ryan, but also, in the process, trounced Romney. Joe Biden is an average Joe solidly grounded in America?s working middle class ? nothing pretentious or devious about him ? in contrast to the plutocrat who heads the Republican ticket, and the billionaires who are backing him.

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Comments - Jack's Home Improvement

12 Oct

Author: Jack ?| ?Category: Appliance

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Massage recliner chair is designed to give ultimate comfort and maximum benefits for your health after hours of hard work at the office. Therefore, good quality recliner chairs usually come with controllers that can help adjust the areas to be massaged, the power of the massage, and the duration of the therapy, to name but a few. The price tag for these massage recliners may be quite high compared to the conventional recliner chairs, but here are some reasons why you should consider getting a massage recliner chair at home.

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Find the right massage recliner chair and get quality massage therapy anytime you want it.


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Spain, Germany, England find scoring form


AP Sports Writer

Associated Press Sports

updated 1:55 a.m. ET Oct. 13, 2012

LONDON (AP) - World and European champion Spain romped to a 24th straight qualifying win on Friday, although no one in the country was able to see it.

Pedro Rodriguez scored a hat trick as the world's best team routed host Belarus 4-0 in one of a group of big wins for Europe's leading nations in 2014 World Cup qualifying.

Yet, celebrations were muted in the debt-ridden country after no broadcaster paid to televise the national team's match for the first time in 29 years.

Spain's wasn't the most convincing win of the third round of regional qualifiers, with Germany handing Ireland its worst loss since 1971, 6-1 at Dublin.

Wayne Rooney celebrated being handed the temporary England captaincy by scoring twice in a routine 5-0 win over San Marino, taking his goal total in international matches to 31, fifth on the country's all-time list.

But Italy was again unconvincing in beating Armenia 3-1, and the Netherlands managed only a comfortable 3-0 win over Andorra, which is 201st in the rankings.

However, Euro 2012 semifinalist Portugal, led by Cristiano Ronaldo, couldn't make the most of its dominance against Russia and lost 1-0 in a match between the top two teams in Group F.

The Portuguese are three points behind Russia, which is unbeaten under new coach Fabio Capello and has three straight wins in qualifying.

Also, Belgium enhanced its burgeoning reputation as a growing force in Europe with a 3-0 win in Serbia, which lost a home World Cup qualifier for the first time in more than 10 years.

Sweden and the Czech Republic needed second-half rallies to avoid draws against weak competition, beating Faeroe Islands 2-1 and Malta 3-1, respectively.

The victory for the Swedes left them second in Group C, three points behind Germany ahead of their meeting in Berlin on Tuesday.

The third straight qualifying victory for Germany was launched by Marco Reus' goals in the 32nd and 40th minutes before Mesut Oezil's penalty kick and goals by Miroslav Klose and Toni Kroos (two) turned it into a rout.

Spain warmed up for its Group I match against France, which surprisingly lost 1-0 at home to Japan in a friendly on Friday, by stretching its winning run in qualifying that dates back to September 2007.

Pedro set up Barcelona teammate Jordi Alba for the opener before scoring the remaining three goals himself in Minsk, putting Spain ahead of France on goal difference. Both countries have six points and only one team qualifies automatically from each group.

Spain, seeking an unprecedented fourth straight major international tournament trophy, is enjoying a golden era in its soccer history, but that still didn't persuade broadcasters to pay for coverage.

The blackout came after the producer, Sport Five, failed to reach a deal with any Spanish television channel. This was the first time a Spain match was not broadcast at home since 1983, when the team visited Malta.

Rooney was playing for England for the first time since Euro 2012 and was given the captain's role with Steven Gerrard suspended and Frank Lampard sidelined with injury. Rooney marked the occasion by joining Manchester United teammate Danny Welbeck in scoring twice at Wembley Stadium.

Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain also scored for the hosts, who moved to the top of Group H.

It wasn't such a good night for Oxlade-Chamberlain's Arsenal teammate, Theo Walcott, who will spend the night in a hospital after colliding with goalkeeper Aldo Junior Simoncini early in the game.

Russia's winner against Portugal came with its only shot on goal in the first half, Alexander Kerzhakov scoring in the sixth minute.

Ronaldo, who has scored six times in his last three Spanish league games for Real Madrid, barely had a sniff in Moscow.

"Maybe we weren't as calm as we usually are," said Portugal coach Paulo Bento, whose team is the only leading European nation not to be atop its group at this stage.

Eddie Johnson scored two goals for the United States, including the winner in second-half injury time, in a 2-1 victory over Antigua and Barbuda. The road win put the Americans in position to advance to CONCACAF's final qualifying round if they draw with Guatemala on Tuesday night in Kansas City, Kan.

Guatemala beat Jamaica 2-1 on Friday night.

In Group B, Mexico was held scoreless for more than an hour and 15 minutes by Guyana, but wound up winning 5-0 to stay perfect. Costa Rica held onto second place in the group by winning 1-0 at El Salvador.

Canada beat undermanned Cuba 3-0 in Group C. The Cubans had only 11 players for the game, and finished with 10 after striker Roberto Linares was ejected for a challenge that crumpled captain Kevin McKenna. Four players left the team in Toronto.

In the other Group C game, Honduras and Panama tied 0-0.

In South American qualifying, host Argentina took the overall lead with 17 points as Lionel Messi scored two second-half goals and Sergio Aguero added another. Messi scored in the 66th and added another with a free kick in the 80th while Aguero scored in the 75th.

Alejandro Chumacero scored in the second half to lift host Bolivia into a 1-1 draw with Peru, while Colombia beat Paraguay 2-0.

Radamel Falcao scored two second-half goals as Colombia improved to 16 points in eight matches - among the leaders in qualifying - and left Paraguay with only four points from five matches, the worst record among the nine teams.

Felipe Caicedo scored twice as Ecuador defeated Chile 3-1 in Quito. Ecuador improved to 16 points, Chile has 12.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Turkey: Syria plane carried Russian-made munitions

Burhan Ozbilici / AP

People speak from the top of the steps of a Syrian passenger plane that was forced by Turkish jets to land in Ankara, Turkey, on Thursday. Turkish jets on Wednesday forced the Syrian Air Airbus A320 passenger plane to land on suspicion that it was carrying weapons, amid heightened tensions between Turkey and Syria that have sparked fears of a wider regional conflict.

By NBC News wire services

Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday that a Syrian passenger plane forced to land in Ankara was carrying Russian-made munitions destined for Syria's defense ministry.

Russia's ITAR-Tass news agency earlier quoted an official at the Russian Embassy in Ankara as saying that the cargo "was not of Russian origin." Rosoboronexport, which handles most of Russia's military export contracts, said none of its cargo was on the plane.

Turkish authorities ordered the Syrian Air passenger plane that was traveling from Moscow to Damascus to land late on Wednesday after receiving an intelligence tip-off and seized some of its cargo.?

Damascus said intercepting the Syrian Air plane was an act of piracy, further heightening tensions between the neighbors after Turkey's chief of staff warned Ankara would use greater force if shells from Syria continued to hit Turkish territory.?The plane's 37 passengers and crew were allowed to continue to Damascus after several hours, without the cargo.?

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The grounding of the plane was another sign of Ankara's growing assertiveness over the crisis in Syria.

"Turkey has crossed a new threshold," said former Turkish diplomat Sinan Ulgen, chairman of the Center for Economic and Foreign Policy Studies think-tank.?

"With the action they took last week the government is in the slightly more comfortable position of having shown it has the strength to retaliate."?

Turkish state-run television TRT had reported that the intercepted plane was carrying military communications equipment, according to The Associated Press.

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Yeni Safak, a newspaper close to the Turkish government, also reported there were 10 containers aboard the plane, some containing radio receivers, antennas and "equipment... thought to be missile parts."?

Neither TRT nor Yeni Safak cited sources for their reports.?

Turkey's Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu had said the cargo contained "elements ... that are not legitimate in civilian flights" and insisted Ankara was within its rights to intercept the plane if it suspected that military equipment was being transported over Turkish territory.?

NATO leaders discuss the volatile situation along the Turkish-Syrian border following last week's shelling of a village by forces loyal to Syria's government. NBC's Jim Maceda reports.

Sabre rattling between Syria and its northern neighbor has increased in recent days after a spate of cross-border shell and mortar firings. Turkey, which has been vocal in its criticism of Assad's crackdown on the opposition, has beefed up its military presence along the 565-mile frontier after shelling from Syria killed five Turkish civilians in a border town last week.?

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The general manager of the Syrian Civil Aviation Agency also blasted Turkey's forced landing of the plane, calling it "contrary to regulations and aviation norms."

Ghaidaa Abdul-Latif told reporters in Damascus that the plane's pilots were not asked to land but were instead surprised by Turkish F-16 fighter jets, which forced them to land.

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"This action is contrary to the rules, because the pilot should be first asked to land for inspection," she said. "If he refuses, military jets would then fly to force him to land."

A Syrian Airlines engineer who was aboard, Haithan Kasser, said armed Turkish officials boarded the plane and handcuffed the crew before inspecting packages that contained electrical equipment.

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Abdul-Latif said the officials seized some packages after presenting official documents.

Andrea Mitchell talks to Ambassador Dennis Ross about the escalating tensions between Syria and Turkey, and what both presidential candidates are saying they'll do about the situation.

She said Syria would file a complaint with international aviation authorities.

The Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this report.?

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