Thursday, October 20, 2011

10 Hardcore DIY Halloween Projects

Sure, you could build a turducken catapult for Thanksgiving or drown your neighborhood in lights with the elaborate Christmas display around your house. For hardcore DIYers, though, there's no holiday like Halloween, and this year we're featuring 10 great project ideas from our friends at Instructables. (For each project, you can follow the link for the full step-by-step instructions.) Time's a-wasting, ghouls. Get building. By Andrew Moseman

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Aliens Power Loader

There's no better way to defend yourself from vicious extraterrestrials or any other foes you encounter on Halloween than by donning the power loader Sigourney Weaver made famous in Aliens. Inspired by the battle scene between Weaver's character Ripley and the alien queen, Instructables user Alexthemoviegeek built this full-size loader in just two weeks. His loader is built primarily of foamcore and is the same scale, size, color, and shape as the version featured in James Cameron's movie. 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