Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Birth Chart Synthesis And Comparison

Astrological theory provides seemingly endless analytical techniques: most astrologers analyze the planets in the signs, houses, and the aspects formed between them.

Some astrologers also analyze the 4 major asteroids and Chiron, some include arabic parts, and some use midpoint structures. Some astrologers pay close attention to rulerships, dispositors, etc. for additional information. Some astrologers also interpret declinations and some astrologers also view the planets heliocentrically as well as geocentrically. There are many variations of the astrology chart such as the draconic chart or Tobey secondary chart that some astrologers use. Some astrologers add harmonic aspects which can add dozens or even many hundreds of new aspects. Some astrologers also use Vedic astrological techniques such as lunar mansions. There are many dozens of other techniques I have not mentioned in this list.

It is little wonder that many students of astrology become completely overwhelmed by a sea of information. Many professionals stick with a few basic techniques that they have found to work consistently. A great number of astrologers do not use the myriad new ideas of harmonics, midpoints, asteroids, etc. Some astrologers do use a huge number of factors in their chart interpretation, and they have found interesting ways of synthesizing and prioritizing the information. Regardless of what astrological techniques the astrologer uses, there must be some method to synthesize the information into a coherent interpretation.

With so many approaches to synthesizing the chart information into a whole, the beginning astrology student may feel at a loss as to which way to turn first. Note, however, that there are some things that astrologers do agree about! In particular, astrologers generally agree about the meanings of the planets.

Bi-Wheel Comparison

A BiWheel is a chart wheel with 2 rings, with one person's planet positions in one ring, and the other person's planet positions in the other ring.

A BiWheel is a convenient way to see the relationship of one's planets to the other person's. A BiWheel can be used for other purposes as well, such as seeing the influence of all of the transiting planets on a person at a particular day or moment of time. Natal chart to progressed chart comparisons can also be seen in a BiWheel chart.

On the example bi-wheel to the left, you can see that 2 charts are presented on wheel- there is an inner chart, and an outer chart.

Aspects within the Bi-Wheel

between two charts are very similar to aspects in an individual's chart. For example, if Jack has Sun at 12 degrees of Gemini and Moon at 12 degrees of Sagittarius, then the angle between his Sun and Moon is 180 degrees, which is an opposition aspect. Similarly, if Jack's Sun is at 17 degrees of Leo and Jill's Moon is at 17 degrees of Aquarius, then Jack's Sun is opposition Jill's Moon, which is an important point of contact between the two people.

Signs within the Bi-Wheel

Many astrologers analyze the zodiac signs to determine compatibility between two people. For example, if Jack has most of his planets in earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) and Jill has most of her planets in air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), then Jack may feel that Jill is overly intellectual, abstract, and unable to practically do things and implement her ideas, while Jill may feel that Jack's extremely down-to-earth and practical approach to life is effective but very boring and unexciting.


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