Saturday, August 6, 2011

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) ? A Disease With Unknown Origins ...


Multiple Sclerosis, more commonly known as MS, is a progressive disease of the nervous system along with a hardening of the muscles and can often result in damage to the nerves of the face, a painful condition known as "trigeminal neuralgia". MS is a diagnosis that can be made only after every other possible explanations for the signs and symptoms have been ruled out. An interesting observation: People in non-Westernized and/or non-Christian societies rarely, if ever, eat Pork or use Pork products, and rarely, if ever, suffer from MS.


The diagnosis of MS is based upon a clinical evaluation including documentation of "symptoms" and "signs" of the ailment. The diagnosis of clinically definite MS requires documentation of two distinct episodes of symptoms and two or more signs evident from the neurological examination. Symptomatic episodes must last at least twenty four hours and be separated by one or more months. The diagnosis can be difficult to establish, particularly when the initial symptoms are unaccompanied by signs, abnormalities on MRI or electrophysiological tests, or examination of spinal fluid. Even when the initial symptoms are accompanied by abnormalities on the neurological test, it is still possible that the correct diagnosis is something other than Muscular Sclerosis.

The symptoms are not unlike those of diabetes and impending stroke victims. Some of the signs include blurred vision, loss of muscle strength and coordination, numbness, and tremors, all of which inhibit most from living a normal life. Even when there are no symptoms, there is a progression of damage to the central nervous system with the passing of time. After initial symptoms, there may be a gradual improvement, sometimes after a few weeks. In some, these symptoms can happen early in the disease; in others, they can come later. If you are experiencing any of these feelings or symptoms, speak with your physician or Health Care Practioner.


Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic and disabling disease of the central nervous system (CNS). The Latin word for scar is sclerosis. Thus, the words multiple sclerosis was chosen to describe the appearance of the brain in persons who died with this illness. The symptoms depend primarily on which particular nerve fiber pathway is involved in the CNS.

Although the cause is not known, evidence suggests that the disease may result from an environmental agent that triggers the disease in a genetically susceptible individual. Support for this theory includes the observation that the disease is diagnosed more frequently in temperate than tropical or subtropical climates. Men with multiple sclerosis can find it hard to achieve or maintain an erection. In women, multiple sclerosis Routinely causes a loss of sexual sensitivity, pain during intercourse, an inability to achieve an orgasm, or a reduction in naturally produced lubrication. As with most other MS symptoms, these problems can be temporary (during a relapse), or they can be a permanent result of the progression of the disease.

Numerous people with the disease experience fatigue or tiredness, but since fatigue can be a symptom of so many other diseases, it is not often immediately identified as being caused by MS. There are a number of medications available to help manage MS. They fall into two basic categories: Medicines that treat symptoms, Medicines that treat the underlying cause. Discuss with your healthcare provider about the best treatment option for you.

Ricardo Henri is the creator of Natural Remedies,Treatments And Cures,a site with a plethora of info concerning caring for your health without relying on drugs and needless surgery. Subscribe to his monthly newsletter @ natural remedies treatments cures


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