Thursday, July 28, 2011

Online Marketing Information | Domain Name Search Engine

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Small business, in many cases, is now on the Web. Whether this is for simply marketing or collecting data or whether their businesses are conducted almost entirely online. If you operate your business fully or partially on the Internet, this roundup is for you.

Online Marketing

Why your customer doesn?t care about your Website. Ever tried to order somethikng from an online store? Was it easy or overly complicated. Many customers buy online because of ease and convenience. But what happens when there?s nothing easy or convenient about shopping with you online. You say you?re having technical problems? We don?t care. The next Websire is just as good as yours.

An SEO lesson for the rest of us. If you plan to operate yourf small business online, making it show up on the search engines is part of the drill. But it turns out you don?t need to be a?search engine guru to learn how to optimize your site and help customers find you faster. Come along with Stephen Murphy and learn SEO for the beginning small business owner. You might be surprised how easy it is.?Get Busy Media

Latest Trends

Washington takes to the Web. In an effort to cut costs and increase efficiency, government agencies are turning to the Web. Small businesses that haven?t already, should take a lesson here. Web services are often cheaper, easier and more convenient for the customer. How could you take advantage of the Internet today? Bloomberg BusinessWeek

Why everything may soon be purchased online. Think of the things you would think could never be bought or sold on the Internet. Perhaps fresh organic local produce comes to mind? Wrong! As it turns out a Central Texas company i8s already providing this service and sending shock waves?through the grocery industry. With less waste?or packaging and more convenience for the consumer, what could be purchased online these days? Forbes

The Social Web

Never go to a chamber mixer again. No need at all since even networking is best done on the Internet these days. It may take time and energy, but, hey, so does finding a tie that matches and then driving to the local bistro. Twitter, LinkedIn and other platforms provide a great place to meet and greet and you never have to leave your couch. Bloggertone

Is Google + the next big thing? No matter how you market your online business today, the future is always in question. The present belong to Facebook with a commanding lead in the online display add industry, but the success of a new social media offerikng by an well-known competitor could change all that. Bloomberg BusinessWeek

Brands & Connections

Building your Brand one comment one comment at a time. Whether on a blog or a social media platform like Facebook or Twitter, your comments are the way your community gets to know you. Are you getting the most out of this situation? Make no mistake, the quality of your commenting establishes the way other relate to you. Are your comments creating the best brand they can? Basic Blog Tips

What?s the real value of your Facebook fan club? It could be easier to quantify than you think. The people who click ?like? on your brand?s Facebook site have value even if you can?t always see it. Sure they can provide referrals to others who might also be interested in your product or service. But hpow can you be sure you?re getting the full value of your online minions? Forbes

From Small Business TrendsSmall Business On The Web

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I have a friend who runs a nationwide ?traditional? business, and business has been down, like it has been for most people. I suggested that he add some social network marketing initiatives, and his answer was he is ?too busy.? He is not alone, according to a recent study, which concludes that only 47% of companies use social media today for marketing, despite the fact that 78% of executives polled feel it?s critical for success.

What?s the problem? It seems to me that there is abundant proof in the marketplace of the financial returns to both large and small businesses, the low cost of entry, and the ubiquity of social networks. Dell announced years ago that it had earned $3 million in revenue from using Twitter, and other businesses report daily on increases in web traffic up to 800%.

I suspect that a good part of the problem is that startup and small business owners still don?t know where or how to start. They don?t know if they should move to social networks for lead generation, branding, customer loyalty, or for direct marketing and e-commerce. My advice is to pick one, start slow, and spread out as you learn. Here are some specifics:

  • Create a business profile on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. A business profile starts with a business account using your company logo as your picture (avatar), rather than your photo or a picture of your cat. If you are in consulting, you are the business, so use a professional headshot. Don?t mix your personal and business profiles or messages.
  • Develop a marketing strategy specific to this media. Don?t use the same message on Twitter you developed for email blasts and postcard blitzes. Social media demands two-way communication, rather than outbound only. Read everything you can about viral marketing. It?s not free, so budget appropriately, but not excessively.
  • Start social networking with peers. Pick a base, such as LinkedIn or Facebook, to be your community, and work the territory, much like you may have learned to work a room of peers at a tradeshow or convention, or local business organization. Find out what other people are doing, and what works for them. People love to share what they know.
  • Experiment with social media tools. The basic tools are the platforms like Twitter and Facebook. But don?t stop there. There is TweetDeck to help you use Twitter, and YouTube for video sharing. A most valuable tool is WordPress or TypePad for blogging. You need these to add the human element to your business or service.
  • Proactively learn from the experts. Maybe it?s time to sign up for a few free Webinars, or even invest in an expert consultant in this area. Successful people don?t wait for their kids to teach them about new technologies, or wait to be the last one on the block to try new things. It?s all available for ?free? on the Internet, but your time is a valuable resource.
  • Define relevant metrics and measure. That means first take some baseline measurements of, for example, lead arrival rate today, and costs associated with your current media marketing. If you don?t have this baseline, you will never know if you are making progress. Then continue to measure and learn what works, at what cost.

If used correctly, I guarantee you that social media marketing can improve your business with new leads, by bringing traffic to your website, creating a buzz around your product or brand, creating inbound links to increase your search engine ranking, and improving loyalty and trust with your customers. How could you be too busy to work on these things?

Of course, if you found this blog though your own initiative, I have to give you credit for being ahead of the pack. So print it off and deliver it to a friend who is not so high-tech. My challenge to you, then, is to kick it up a notch! When is the last time you produced a video for your business, or a podcast, or sponsored a contest with free gifts? Or are you too busy?

Marty Zwilling

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