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Posted by Jimmie Burroughs- Email this article to a friend
Success comes in many different packages but there are certain skills that usually accompany each one of them. Listed below are 10 skills that would do you well to consider:
- Public Speaking
- Copywriting
- Time-Management
- Networking and relationship building
- Critical Precision Thinking
- Decision-Making
- Continuing Education
- Research and Development
- Stress Management
- Financial Acuity
Public Speaking
The ability to speak publicly is one of the most important skills a person can develop. It is necessary in any leadership role. It produces the discipline to think under pressure as well as a confidence in one?s own knowledge and ability to lead. The ability to present something with clarity and persuasiveness is the mark of leadership and salesmanship. Effective speakers have more influence in motivating others and gaining support for their cause, whatever it may be. We elect presidents on their ability through public speeches to convince us that their projections for the future of our country are best.
The ability to write well is a close second to public speaking. People are influenced, trained, convinced, and sold on products or ideas through the written word. Although some are gifted with writing skills, it is mostly learned through study and practice. It requires a mastery of language and grammar and coherency of thoughts and content and must be interesting and convincing. Much of success is determined by the ability to write well; therefore it is well worth the time to pursue a mastery of it.
Time management
Time is the most precious commodity we have and it is non-renewable; when it is gone it is gone. The ability to get things done within a frame of time and then move smoothly into the next project is time management at its best. Time management is the ability to focus attention where it is needed most and taking the appropriate action to get the job done. It requires organizational skills and the ability to discipline one?s self to avoid distraction and non-productive habits.
Networking and relationship building
One person can only accomplish a little but a network of people with a common purpose can accomplish much. This is best accomplished when there is a strong bond of unity through relationships where each person has the same to gain as their network of affiliates. Ideas and innovations and creativity are cultivated and shared to gain a purpose that benefits each and servers the purpose intended whether that is the sale of products or services with the intent of adding value to the lives of others.
Critical Precision Thinking
Much of the activities of today?s modern generation are based on passive behavior such as watching TV or attending athletic events or concerts. While entertainment has an important place in our lives, it should not be our only objective. There are massive amounts of knowledge that is available today. Thinking with precision is crucial and critical to determining how to best use knowledge to promote our objectives for life and work. This skill will be the separating factor determining success or failure in anything.
While having adequate knowledge is important, the ability to bridge between the known and unknown effectively and timely is the difference in getting things done and prolonging things until every bit of information is gained and by that time indecision has already decided. Competition does not give the luxury of being fully informed before a decision can be made. Corporate decisions are often made on incomplete and skimpy information. But they are made with the ability to fill the gaps where information is lacking based on experience and wisdom.
Continuing Education
Learning is a lifetime commitment for the goal oriented achiever. To keep pace with the ever changing technological community requires an ongoing acquisition of fresh new knowledge or otherwise be left behind in the dust by competitors set on keeping abreast of things.
Research and Development
Any one person can only comprehend a small fraction of the knowledge on any given subject, but those who consistently acquire more knowledge are the ones who keep ahead of the learning curve in their nitch and reap the benefits. I am somewhat amazed when people tell me that they don?t like or need a computer because they don?t want the bother. The Internet is our class room, our professor and resource for just about any knowledge we need. We certainly don?t have to know everything but we need to know what we need to know in order to successfully run any business online or otherwise. Continued research and development is of an essence in any business.
Stress Management
Stress not only wrecks health but it can hinder the thought process, the decision making ability as well as spoil our social life and relationships. There will always be crises to face and overcome, and being able to face them with knowledge and calmness will save a lot of pain and anguish. There are times when we are most in tune when there is a bit of tension involved like a perfectly tuned musical instrument, but to live in a state of stress takes the joy out of life and will take a person to an early grave. Learning to manage stress and not letting it take over your life may the most important on the list.
Financial Acuity
Learning to manage finances in a business is just as important as in your personal finances. Poor financial management in a business setting has caused many otherwise profitable businesses to go under. Keeping abreast of your finances through tracking your expenses and recording what works as for as advertising and so forth is not only a way to survive but to also thrive in your business adventure.
Success people know the importance of personal development and acquiring and developing their skills. If your desire is more than just to work a 40 hour per week job, and spend your spare time eating, sleeping and watching TV, then you will have to develop skills. The way this is done is through time spent in reading what others have already learned. Much of what you need is available through free sources like personal development websites. Some of what you need can be acquired through paid courses. For example, the Dale Carnegie course on public speaking and human relations was for me an excellent source, even better than a college course on the same topic and it was much quicker. I invite you to my Christian Personal Development website. I think you will find much helpful information there.
About the author: Jimmie Burroughs is a motivational speaker and author who has been involved in teaching Christian Personal Development for more than 30 years. There are hundreds of articles to help you on this website, Website Contents , in your person growth. Be sure to take vantage of the FREE offer to get the eBook ?The 4 Pillars for Personal Development? while available.
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